'Anna Rübsamen' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 291. Anna Rübsamen Wichuraiana. Weigand 1902. The author cites information from different sources... salmon-pink...
Book (1940) Page(s) 9. Anna Rübsamen Large-flowered Climber. (L. Weigand 1904)... clear pink...
Website/Catalog (1939) Page(s) 85. Rosiers Polyantha sarmenteux non remontants. ... Anna Rubsamen Fleur rose pur, moy., pleine, odorante.
Book (1936) Page(s) 633. Rübsamen, Anna (hybrid wichurana) Weigand 1903; flesh-colour to light pink, medium to large, double, lasting, in clusters of 20-50, fragrance 5/10, once-blooming, growth 8/10, climbing, 3 m., Sangerhausen
Magazine (1928) Page(s) 54. Anna Rübsamen (Weigand 04). the medium-sized, true pink-coloured, double and fragrant blooms are in magnificent trusses...
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 14. Anna Rübsamen, well double, fresj pink, fragrant, awarded in Amsterdam
Website/Catalog (1923) Page(s) 13. Anna Rübsamen (Weigand, 1904). Flesh-pink
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 6. Hybrid Wichurana Anna Rübsamen, well double, pure pink, lasting, fragrant
Magazine (13 May 1911) Page(s) 231. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Anna Rubsamen... Hybrid Wichuraiana, Weigand, 1904, Chance seedling R. wichuraiana
Book (1911) Page(s) 64. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Anna Rubsamen. -- This Rose is a very free bloomer, bearing great trusses of salmon-pink double flowers with a distinctive scent. It flowers from mid-June.