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'Ninfea' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2000)  Page(s) 142.  
H.T., Ninfea, Borgatti G., 1957
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 115.  
Giovanni Borgatti was no sooner discharged from his miltary service after the first World War, than he perfected his horticultural knowledge by spending three years at French and German nurseries. On his return to Italy, he raised his first roses. There are about twenty Borgatti varieties, but, a rare preprogative, only 'Jacqueline Mennrath', 'Ninfea' and 'Saonara' are still recognized as valid by their creator.
Website/Catalog  (1966)  Page(s) 14.  
Ninfea (Borgatti 1957). Ampio fiore bianco leggermente sfumato di rosa al centro. Ottima varietà per fiori recisi.
Website/Catalog  (1959)  Page(s) 31.  Includes photo(s).
Ninfea (G. Borgatti 1957) Per il particolare tono rosa tenero al centro di un ampio fiore bianco, ben merita questa varietà l’appellativo dell’omonima specie acquatica. Arbusto vigoroso a lunghi rami eretti costantemente ornati da eleganti boccioli.
Magazine  (Nov 1957)  Page(s) 4. trimester, p. 24.  
Roses nouvelles mises au commerce pour la saison 1957-1958 ...
NINFEA — Hybride de Thé. — Obtenteur : G. BORGATTI, 1957. — Editeurs : FRATELLI SGARAVETTI - Piante (It.)
 Description : Par son particulier ton de rose tendre au centre d'une ample fleur blanche délicatement parfumée cette variétô mérite bien la dénomination de l'homonyme espèce aquatique. Arbuste vigoureux avec longs rameaux érigés constamment ornés par d'élégants boutons.
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