'Betty Cl.' rose References
Book (29 Sep 2009) Betty, Climbing Cl HT, pb, 1926, Hohman
Book (1936) Page(s) 75. Betty, Climb. (HT) Hohmann 1926; sport of Betty; growth 6/10, climbing, 1,50 m.
Book (1933) Page(s) 167. Cl. Betty. H. J. Hohman, 1926. An excellent sport of the bush Hybrid tea, with long, coppery buds and fluffy, pale pink flowers overspread with a golden sheen. One of the most continuous flowering climbers.
Website/Catalog (1931) Page(s) 36. Climbing Betty. (HT). Coppery rose shaded yellow. A grand sport of this popular old variety.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 29. New Roses 1929 Climbing Betty (H.T.) (H. J. Hohman, 1926). Coppery rose shaded yellow. A grand sport of this popular old variety. 5/- each.
Book (1916) Page(s) xix. [From an advertisement for Kingsville Nurseries] Climbing Betty [is] a sport of the well-known bush rose, 'Betty'. Color is a little stronger. Splendid as a pillar rose...