'Lijiang Rose' Description
Photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
Pink blend Hybrid Gigantea. Exhibition name: Lijiang Rose
Found Rose, Hybrid Gigantea, Tea, Cl..
Pink, shading. Moderate, apricot or peach, tea fragrance. Large, semi-double to double bloom form. Spring or summer flush with scattered later bloom.
Height: 16'5" to 23' (500 to 700cm). Width: 9'10" (300cm).
USDA zone 7b through 11. Prefers warmer sites. Protect tender new spring growth from hard freezes that may cause canker, die-back and death of the plant. .
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Lijiang Rose was brought from China to Walter Branchi by Gianlupo Osti. This rose is a climber with large flowers that are pink shaded with apricot and bronze.
Probably a hybrid between R.gigantea and cultivated R x odorata. Per Phillips & Rix. The Japanese "Encyclopedia of Roses" ascribes this to Roger Phillips and Martyn Rix.
Guolang Wong has identified a plant of "Lijang Rose" in an Italian garden as Rosa odorata var. erubescens.
According to Girija and Viru Viraraghavan, in India, Lijiang Rose can repeat bloom when conditions are right for the rose. See MEMBER COMMENTS.
Commences blooming in early spring