'Doctor Sewell' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 661. Sewell, Dr. (HP) Turner 1879; bright crimson-scarlet, shaded purple, reverse bright red, double, cup form, expanded, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, growth 8/10.
Book (1910) Page(s) 283. Doctor Sewell Hybrid Perpetual; flowers crimson, shaded with purple; form cupped.
Book (1902) Page(s) 120. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe E. — Général Jacqueminot Les rosiers formant ce groupe, le plus important de tous, sont des arbustes de végétation vigoureuse, très florifères et portant beaucoup à fruit. Rameaux allongés, généralement gris; aiguillons nombreux, crochus; feuillage vert foncé, folioles ovales; floraison le plus souvent en corymbe; fleur forme en coupe ou chiffonnée, frisée, quelquefois globuleuse, coloris du rouge clair au pourpre noirâtre; fruits abondants, de forme plutôt arrondie. 3806. Docteur Sewell... (Turner 1879)... cramoisi écarlate.
Booklet (1899) Page(s) 19. Hybrid Perpetuals. Dr. Sewell Turner 1879. S. G. Violet-crimson, cupped, high centred, moderate.
Website/Catalog (1894) Page(s) 174. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Dr. Sewell. Brilliant crimson scarlet, shaded with purple, back of petals bright red; large, full, and finely cupped form; strikingly distinct.
Book (1894) Page(s) 226. Hybrid Perpetuals Dr. Sewell (Turner, 1879). — Rather weak both in growth and foliage, and best as a maiden. Liable to mildew and orange fungus, and to being "burnt" in the petals, but can stand some rain. The blooms cannot be depended upon to come good, but when they do the sort is seen as a fine distinct dark Rose of good pointed shape and moderate size, but not of high quality as a free bloomer or an autumnal.
Website/Catalog (1889) Page(s) 56. Hybrid Perpetuals. Dr. Sewell Crimson scarlet, shaded with purple, cupped form.
Book (1883) Page(s) 223. The Roses of 1881... Doctor Sewel (hybrid perpetual, Turner) is of bushy habit; wood with yellow prickles. The dark slaty-plum-blue bloom is loosely, but quite regularly filled; flat cup form; when expanding the rose is purple-crimson, fragrant. Rank 2-3.
Book (1882) Page(s) 9. Dr. Sewell... Variété recommandée pour l'ornement des jardins. Hybride Perpétuel. Turner. 1879 Ecarlate cramoisi. Fleur grande. Plante vigoureuse.
Magazine (1881) Page(s) 103. Gardener's Magazin, 6. July 1868, says: 'Dr. Sewell', a repeat-blooming hybrid rose, which has a lot of promise: The blooms are very large, globulare and excel via their magnificent form and beautiful petals; the colour is bright....