'Eugène Jacquet' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 166. Eugène Jacquet Rambler, Flowers cherry-red [mr], 1916, Wichuraiana hybrid (red) x Multiflora hybrid (pink); Turbat.
Article (magazine) (Dec 1951) Page(s) 20. 1916-1919 was the peak in production and use of small-flowered, low to medium height, cluster-blooming varieties like Etoile Luisante, Eugéne Jacquet and Edith Cavell, classed as polyanthas.
Book (1936) Page(s) 367. Jacquet, Eugène (hybrid wichurana) Turbat 1916; red Wichurana X pink Multiflora; cherry-carmine, large, double, lasting, in clusters of 25-30, fragrance 5/10, free-blooming, bright foliage, growth 6/10, upright.
Magazine (Jun 1929) Page(s) 66. Eugène Jacquet, cerise carmin vif.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 50. Hardy Climbing Roses Eugene Jacquet. Hybrid Wichuraiana. (E. Turbat & Co., 1916.) Scented flowers of bright carmine, in large clusters. Vigorous; good foliage; hardy. Early, remaining in flower a long time. A popular forcing Rose, not so good outdoors.
Book (1927) Page(s) 115. M. Turbat modestly says that he has not worked as much as his neighbor and friend, adding that the unforeseen has often disturbed his plans. His original intention was to create plants suited as much as possible to culture in pots for forcing, but he has produced mostly decorative varieties. However, if I am not mistaken, his Eugéne Jacquet, widely distributed in America by Messrs. Bobbink & Atkins, and his Papa Gouchault are very good forcing roses...