'Myriacanthes rénoncule' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 502. Myriacanthes renoncule (sempervirens) ? ? ; flesh-white, climbing habit = Splendens.
Magazine (Jun 1929) Page(s) 73. Myrianthes ranunculacea (B. Jard., 1847), fl. pl., bouton rouge, fleur blanche.
Book (1902) Page(s) 157. Rosa Sempervirens. No. 6097 Myrianthes renoncule, rose pâle
Book (1899) Page(s) 133. Myriacanthes, sempervirens, rose bordé rouge
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 98. climber, Myriacantha(es) rénoncule, pale pink edged darker, small, double, flat cup form, beautiful.
Book (1866) Page(s) 146. Rosa sempervirens. Myrianthes Rénoncule has flowers of a pale peach-color, drooping in large clusters, and in form resembling a double ranunculus.
Book (1860) Page(s) 163. Rosa sempervirens...Myrianthe Renoncule, medium size, double, pale peach-red with a white centre, flat cup form, in beautiful trusses.
Book (1858) Page(s) 309. Rosa sempervirens. Myrianthe Renoncule, medium size, double, pale peach-red with white centre, flat cup form, in beautiful clusters.
Magazine (Aug 1854) Page(s) 229. "On Town Roses" by G. Paul. I shall now offer a list of 100 sorts, which I believe best suited for town gardening, having seen them at various times flourishing around London and the great manufacturing towns in the United Kingdom. Summer Roses. The Evergreen Rose. Myrianthes rénoncule...blush, edged with rose
Magazine (May 1849) Page(s) 77. Evergreen Roses....Myrianthes - Blush, edged with rose, small and double, cup shaped.