'Frances Ashton' rose References
Book (2006) Page(s) 196. Frances Ashton HT. Good reliable rebloom. Moderate fragrance. Habit [diagram] 4. DePuy; Stocking, 1937. [Provenance Matson]. Very large single flowers of deep carmine-pink with burgundy stamens; expect an abundance of these unusually colored blooms on an upright plant.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 189. Frances Ashton Hybrid Tea, carmine, stamens wine-colored, single, 1937, 'Lady Battersea' x 'Hawlmark Crimson'; DePuy; int. by Stocking .... Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 199. Includes photo(s). A richly coloured, single Hybrid Tea. A charming rose that is very difficult to buy. De Puy 1937.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 263. Frances Ashton Hybrid Tea. DuPuy/Stocking, 1937. Parentage: 'Lady Battersea' x 'Hawlmark Crimson'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Website/Catalog (1954) Page(s) 22. Frances Ashton One of the hugest and healthiest singles in H.T.'s originated in Tacoma, Wash., so you know that it is mildew proof. In color it is rose pink with only five petals.
Article (magazine) (Dec 1951) Page(s) 180. Frances Ashton... Large garnet flowers, wine stamens...
Book (1944) Page(s) 176. The 1943 P. of P. Rating of Hybrid Tea Roses. Class A (30 reports and under). Rating A 8. Frances Ashton Color Red. 5 years. 23 reports. Per cent 87.0.
Book (1942) p150. Proof Of The Pudding Summary. Frances Ashton 4 years reported. 11 reports. 10 for. 0 fair. 1 against. An outstanding single.
p176. Frances Ashton HT. Carmine. (DePuy, '37). ARA '38, '39, '40. Anderson, Va., (2 pl., 1 yr.) finds it a shy bloomer but well worth having. Pfister Ill., (1 pl., 1 yr.), also calls it a nice single rose. It is fragrant to Heuttel. Tenn., (1 pl., 1 yr.). Ayres Mich., (1 pl., 3 yr.), considers it a fine, large, deep pink single. Everything but growth. Truex, Okla, places it right alongside of 'Dainty Bess'. Packard, Calif., says it grows and blooms but she cannot stand the atrocious carmine shade. McDonough, Calif., (1 pl., 1 yr.), will keep it for the lovely blooms when they come. The plant is healthy. Herrmann, Wash., (1 pl., 3 yr.), declares it is very different with an unusual wine color. His plant is vigorous.
Book (1940) Page(s) 199. Proof Of The Pudding. Frances Ashton HT. Carmine. (De Puy, '37). ARA '38; PP '38, '39. Truex Okla., (3 pl., 1 yr), describes a single rose with carmine petals and maroon stamens that steps up to 'Dainty Bess', looks her in the eye and doesn't give an inch, and sums up his paean with "a real first-rater." Stocking, Calif., is also pleased, considering it one of the finest singles today, and Scrutton, Calif., who can tear a rose to pieces about as skilfully as anyone, after one year's trial wants a whole bed of it. Hessessey Ore., considers it one of the finest single newer roses, and Smith, Wash., (3 pl, 2 yr.), reports good growth and good foliage and pronounces the flowers beautiful.
Book (1939) Page(s) 193. Proof of the Pudding. Frances Ashton HT. Carmine. (De Puy, '37). ARA '38; PP '38. Our only report is from Stocking, Calif., who considers it one of the best of the singles. He can find no serious faults after two years of observation.