'General Robert E. Lee' rose References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 69. General Robert E. Lee Tea. Good & Reese, 1896... soft apricot yellow, delicately tinted with rose...
Book (1936) Page(s) 409. Lee, General Rob. E. (tea) Good & Reese 1896; orange-yellow, fades to canary-yellow
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 36. Worth-while Roses. Yellow Roses. Field-grown, strong 2-year plants, $1 each, $7.50 for 10, $50 per 100 General Robert E. Lee. Tea. A beautiful Tea Rose with deep orange-yellow buds that open a delightful canary-yellow. Abundant bloomer as long as growth continues.
Magazine (Jun 1900) Page(s) 194, 204. Includes photo(s). p. 194: General Robert E. Lee [engraving]
p. 204: This year we hear of the Albertine Borguet, American Perfection, Baronne Ada, Caroline Fochier, August Wattine, and a long list of new Tea Roses, all of which are no doubt beauties, because no one ever yet saw a Rose that was not beautiful, but those of us who know the merits of the Aline Sisley, Bougere, Anna Oliver, General Robert E. Lee, Beaute Inconstante, Catherine Mermet and Cornelia Cook and others of the "oldtimers," are sure that we can recommend them to our friends as being of the very first water.
Magazine (25 Mar 1896) Page(s) 21. [advertisement] NEW EVERBLOOMING ROSE, GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE This is a most wonderful Rose. Distinct in its vigorous growth and beautiful foliage. Distinct in the shape and appearance of its elegant. flowers. Notably distinct in the great freedom of its blooms. Remarkably distinct in its exquisite coloring. The wonder of a'l who see it. This magnificent new Rose was raised by a Mr. Meehan, of Richmond, Va., and named by him in honor of one of the greatest generals the world has ever known. We purchased the entire stock of it, and we have the pleasure of first introducing it to the public. We feel confident that its great beauty will win for it a lasting place in the affections of all lovers of beautiful Roses, as it is a gem indeed. No rose has sprung into popularity so quickly as Gen'l Lee. This is evidenced by the fact that our sales the last year were one hundred thousand plants alone, a record that no other Rose has even approached, and this is the more remarkable from the fact that we were the only firm advertising it. GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE is a true ever-blooming Rose, and belongs to the Tea section. It is a vigorous grower, with beautiful, dark-green foliage, of leathery-like texture. In its freedom of bloom it takes rank in the lead of all other Roses. We have no hesitancy in saying that we believe it will produce more perfect Roses than any variety extant. There are someoses that will show a few more buds than this variety, but they will not perfect all the flowers, while in the "General Lee" every flower comes perfect. We have never seen an imperfect bud or flower of this variety. With us it has been a mass of beautiful buds and roses all through the year, both winter and summer. The great beauty and value of the. Rose is in the elegant shape and color of its buds and bloom. There is no other Rose like it in either respect. The buds are borne on long stems, and are long and somewhat more open at the end of the bud than is een in the other varieties-the arrangement of the petals interlacing so nicely as to give the bud a charming light fluffy effect The open flowers of this Rose are perfectly double to the center. It is extremely beautiful, both in bud and in the open flower. The coloriug in this wonderful rose is very difficult to describe. It is a shade of yellow hitherto unknown in this flower, and is what is termed a solid color; while the center of the flower may be a shade deeper than the outer petals, still it is hardly perceptible. As near as we can name the color it is soft Nasturtium yellow, or coppery br nze. Taken altogether, it is the most wonderful Rose in every particular of the century. PRICE OF GENERAL R. E. LEE ROSES-Strong Young Plants 20 Cents each, or Three Plants for 50 Cents. Seven for $1.00. Large Two-year-old Plants, 50 Cents each. This Rose is so popular that unscrupulous dealers have endeavored to foist on the public We are headquarters fo- it. Our handsome Illustrated Catalogue, describing all kinds of Roses, Plants and all See is mailed for 10 cts. stamps. GOOD & REESE CO., Box 26, Champion City Greenhouses, Springfield, O.
Website/Catalog (1896) Page(s) 4. New Roses of Special Beauty. Robert E. Lee. A strong, robust grower, producing elegant long buds borne on long stems; will produce as many buds as any other Rose we know of. The color s an orange yellow, so rich and peculiar that it attracts attention wherever grown. 20 cents.
Website/Catalog (1894) Page(s) ii, cover. Includes photo(s). NEW EVER-BLOOMING ROSE, GENERAL ROBERT E LEE. (SEE FRONT PAGE OF COVER, ) THIS IS A MOST WONDERFUL ROSE. Distinct in its vigorous growth and beautiful foliage, Distinct in the shape and appearance of its elegant buds and flowers. Notably distinct in the great freedom of its blooms, Remarkably distinct in its exquisite coloring. It is the wonuer and admiration of all who see it. THIS magnificent new Rose was raised by a Mr. Meehan, of Richmond, Virginia, and named by him in honor of one of the greatest generals the world has ever known. We purchased the entire stock of it, and we have the pleasure of first introducing it to the public. We feel confident that its great beauty will win for it a lasting place in the affections of all lovers of beautiful Roses, as it is a gem indeed. If you will turn to the front page of cover of this catalogue you will see the Rose in color, shape and outline as nearly reproduced as the artist can accomplish this, but while the work is well executed it, to our minds, does not nearly convey an idea of the Rose's true beauty. When the artist attempts to paint a Rose he finds the same difficulty that is encountered in the effort to transfer the beauties of a sunset to canvas. While they can make a very fine imitation, still it lacks the rich, soft, blending effect that one sees in the bright coloring and lining of the floating clouds, and just so it is in the attempt to paint this Rose. While an idea can be conveyed of the Rose, still it lacks in bringing out the beautiful blending effect of subdued colors in its daintily-arranged petals. GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE is a true ever-blooming Rose, and belongs to Ihe Tea section. It is a vigorous grower, with beautiful, dark-green foliage, of leathery-like texture. In its freedom of bloom it takes rank in the lead of all other Roses. We have no hesitancy in saying that we believe it wi'l produce more perfect Roses than any variety extant. There are some Roses that will show a few more buds than this variety, but they will not perfect all the flowers, while in the "General Lee" every flower comes perfect. We have never seen an imperfect bud or flower of this varietv. With us it has been a mass of beautiful buds and roses all through the year, both Winter and Summer. The great beautv and value of the Rose is in the elegant shape and color of its buds and bloom. There is no other Rose like it in either respect. The buds are borne on long stems, and are long and somewhat more open at the end of the bud than is seen in the other varieties — the arrangement of the petals interlacing so nicely as to give the bud a charming light fluffy effect. The open flowers of this Rose are perfectly double to the center. It is extremely beautiful, both in bud and in the open flower. The coloring in this wonderful Rose is very difficult to describe. It is a shade of yellow hitherto unknown in this flower, and is what is firmed a solid color, while the center of the flower may be a shade deeper than the outer petals, still it is hardly perceptible. As near as we can name the color it is soft Nasturtium yellow, or coppery bronze. Taken altogether it is the most wonderful Rose in every particular of the century. It can be bought of no one but us, as we control the entire stock. It cost us a handsome sum of money to buy this Rose, and while it is worth a dollar, which we have no doubt other dealers would have charged for it, still we make the price very reasonable, as we wish all to see its great beauty. Price, Strong Young Plants, 50 Cents Each, or Three Plants for $1.25. Large Two-Year Old Plants, $1.00. Don't Fail to Try One or More Plants of it as it will be Sure to Please You.