'Bernice' rose References
Book (1940) Page(s) 19. Bernice Hybrid Tea. (Pemberton, 1927)... deeply shaded carmine-pink on yellow base, broad outer petals reflexed, cream shaded pink. (Name belongs to this older rose.)
Book (1936) Page(s) 72. Bernice (HT) Pemberton 1927; carmine-pink, shaded deeper, base yellow, outer petals cream, shaded pink, medium to large, semi-double, globular, high-centered, fragrance 5/10 (tea rose), growth 6/10, upright.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 29. New Roses 1929 Bernice (HT) (J. H. Pemberton, 1927). Yellow flushed golden pink. Tea rose fragrance. A bedding and exhibition rose with high conical centre. 5/- each. 35 petals. Pretty colour; growth medium: Worth a trial.
Book (Dec 1928) Page(s) 232. Bernice Hybrid Tea. J.H. Pemberton, 1927. Description... deeply shaded with carmine-pink on a yellow base, broad outer petals widely reflexed, cream shaded with pink... RNRS Certificate of Merit 1927.