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'Garnet' rose References
Book  (2018)  Page(s) 72.  
Après la guerre, les obtenteurs sélectionnèrent des variétés destinées uniquement à la fleur coupée. C’était par exemple les hybrides ‘Spek’s Yellow’ (1950), ‘Baccara’ (1964), ‘Super Star’ (1960) ou encore R. x floribundaGarnette’ (1951) et R. x floribunda ‘Centenaire de Lourdes’ (1958), deux roses performantes pour leur tenue en vase et parentes de nombreuses autres variétés.
Book  (Aug 2002)  Page(s) 42.  
Floribunda 1951
Rated 6.8
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 261.  Includes photo(s).
Garnette ('Garnet', 'Garnette Red', 'Red Garnette') Description... immensely popular as a cut rose in all parts of the world... dainty well-spaced sprays of garnet red flowers...
Book  (Nov 1997)  Page(s) 3.  
Traditionally, cultivars from the polyantha and floribunda classes have been used for pot rose forcing... 'Dick Koster' and 'Margo Koster' (polyanthas) have been used extensively... The floribunda 'Garnette' and its many sports (e.g. 'Carol Amling', 'Marimba', and Bright Pink Garnette')... Until recently, they were still among the mainstays of the pot rose forcing industry in North America, especially for large containers...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 187.  
Garnette Cluster-flowered. Mathias Tantau 1951. Description... Florists planted it by the millions in their greenhouses, for as a cut flower it is practically indestructible. Parentage: ('Rosenelfe' x 'Eva') x 'Heros'
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 200.  
Floribunda, dark red, 1951, ('Garnette Red'; 'Red Garnette'); ('Rosenelfe' x 'Eva') x 'Heros'; Tantau; Jackson & Perkins. Flowers garnet-red, base light lemon-yellow, double (50 petals), small; slightly fragrant; foliage leathery, dark; bushy growth; greenhouse variety.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 228.  
Garnette Cluster-flowered floribunda. Parentage: ('Rosenelfe' x 'Eva') x 'Heros'. Germany 1947. Description and cultivation... deepish red, double flowers tha topen to a rosette shape and are borne in clusters. Widely used as a cut flower because of its ability to hold its shape for many days... normally grown under glass for this purpose...
Book  (May 1992)  Page(s) 268.  
Garnette Floribunda. Tantau (Germany) 1951. Description... Never at its best out of doors but excellent under glass, this is still used extensively as a florist's rose. The flowers are cupped, double, garnet-red and are borne in clusters...
Book  (1992)  Page(s) 34.  
Cluster-flowered bush best suited to grow under glass for cutting; garnet red; clusters bear small to medium sized double blooms; growth upright, 36 x 18 in. (90 x 45 cm.), shorter in the open garden; dark leaves; little scent.
Book  (1985)  Page(s) 116.  
[Mathias, the elder] became interested in breeding with a wild rose from China... a rose with small, dainty leaves and clouds of little pink flowers, called R. multibracteata. He knew, for all rose breeders know it, that for such a project one should allow at least twenty years; in fact it was twenty-three years before his son reaped the reward of that initiative... 'Garnette' was a marvellous discovery for Mathias Tantau, a red rose with hard petals; it came out in Germany in 1947, and in 1951 was introduced by the Jackson & Perkins Co. in America. A most successful cut flower on account of its durability... Quite a cult arose around 'Garnette'... the growers of cut roses planted glasshouses full of it, and began to discover mutations, of which 'Pink Garnette', from Boerner in 1951, and 'Carol Amling', from Amling & Beltran in 1953, were fairly similar in deep pink. Some nurseries began to offer 'Garnette Roses' in othe rcolours, but apart from having small flowers, most of these had little affinity to the original...
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