'Carl Kempkes' rose References
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 72. 'CARL KEMPKES', F, dr, 1937; bud long, pointed; flowers crimson, open, semi-dbl., slight fragrance; foliage glossy, dark; strong stems; vigorous, bushy growth; [Dance of Joy X Mary Hart]; Kordes; Späth
Book (1947) Page(s) 113. CARL KEMPKES (Hybrid polyantha) has clustered heads of bright crimson, semi-double flowers, paling slightly with age, borne upon compact plants of vigorous habit, with polished deep green foliage. Kordes 1937. Deciduous. Vigorous. Slight fragrance...June-September. Hardy.
Website/Catalog (1940) Page(s) 107. Includes photo(s). Cark Kempkes
Website/Catalog (1939) Page(s) 120. Carl Kempkes (W. Kordes' Sons 1937). A Hybrid Polyantha in which the merits og large-bloomed Hybrid Teas is joined with the rich and numerous blooming of Polyanthas. The colour is a velvety blood-red of extraordinary luminosity. The blooms are strikingly large and are similar to Hybrid Teas in semi-expanded state. They exhale a fine fragrance, not known otherwise with Polyanthas. Groeth is vigorous and the foliage healthy. This novelty will soon soon have conquered a first place as group rose. ...Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] 2.- 10 pieces RM 18.-