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'Mrs. Harold Alston' rose References
Book  (31 Mar 2010)  
'Mrs Harold Alston. 'Cl HT, mp, 1940, Clark, A.; , dbl.; good repeat. [Sunny South × unknown]
Magazine  (Feb 2010)  Page(s) Vol 22, No. 1.  
John Nieuwesteeg: From Alston's came R. 'Mrs. Harold Alston', a climber with flowers, much like 'Sunny South' but with more petals and a bit larger.
Book  (2010)  Page(s) 222.  Includes photo(s).
In 1910 Harold Alston married Miss Elizabeth Stewart….
Magazine  (2007)  Page(s) 2. Vol 29, No. 4.  Includes photo(s).
Picture. ‘Mrs. Harold Alston’.
Magazine  (2006)  Page(s) 24. Vol 28, No. 3.  
Peter Cox. ‘Australian Roses’ [book]. Some of the pale pink rose photographs have printed poorly in the book on glazed paper, although the colour was good on the plain paper proofs. This could be due to the colour balance being incorrect for the sheet or insufficient light in the transparency. The roses are: p17 ‘Mrs. Harold Alston’ ....
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 241.  
‘Mrs. Harold Alston’ [Clark, 1940].
Book  (19 Apr 2000)  Page(s) 410.  
'Mrs Harold Alston' Cl. HT, mp, 1940; Clark, A.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 16.  Includes photo(s).
Mrs. Harold Alston – 1940. Unknown breeding. Large Flowered Climbing rose. Semi-double, fragrant, pink flowers, flushed carmine, creamy yellow centre, recurrent. Smooth leathery foliage, reddish new growth. Flower 20 petals, 100 mm, 1 to 7. Climber 3.5 m x 2 m.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 417.  
Mrs. Harold Alston. Modern. Large-flowered climber. Medium pink. Repeat flowering. This strong growing and upright, mid-pink rose carries long, pointed buds that open fairly quickly to double flowers with 20-25 petals. The blooming is profuse in spring and again in autumn. There is a lovely scent. It is disease free and looks wonderful on a pillar or tripod. The variety is one of the very many medium to deep pink climbing roses of 20 or so petals bred by Alister Clark. Zones 5-10. Clark, Australia, 1940. Parentage unknown.
Website/Catalog  (1998)  Page(s) 17.  
Mrs. Harold Alston. Hybrid Tea Climber. 1940. A. Clark / Aust. Climber. Double, Fragrant. Recurrent. 3.3m x 2.0m, pink apricot blend.
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