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'Hybride de Brown' rose Photos
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Brown's Superb rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of CybeRose
The Florist's Guide and Cultivator's Directory, vol. 2 (1829-1932) Robert Sweet 160 BROWN'S SUPERB ROSE. Rosa Browniana. Stem stout, very much branched: branches elongated, pale green, or more or less tinged with purple, smooth, striated, bearing here and there some strong hooked prickles, with other smaller ones intermixed, some of which are hooked, and others straight, most of which are tipped with small glands. Leaves producing from 2 to 3 pair of leaflets, terminated by an odd one: leaflets oblongly ovate, acute, slightly cordate at the base, of a bright glossy green on the upper side; Underneath pale, somewhat canescent, the nerves hairy, sharply serrate at the edges, the teeth tipped with a brown horny point, and thinly fringed with pedicellated glands: terminal leaflet on a long footstalk, the side ones on short ones. Pedicles furrowed on the upper side, rounded on the lower, bearing here and there a prickle on the back, and numerous glandular hairs between. Stipules attached to the base of the pedicles, terminated in short, lanceolate, taper-points. Flowers very large and handsome, very double, and well filled with petals, pale lilac on the outside, and dark red in the centre, often terminated in bunches of 6 to 8 in each. Peduncles thickly clothed with pedicellated glands, more or less tinged with purple. Tube of the Calyx short and inflated, nearly globular, smooth, and punctate, with numerous white specks: segments 5, or frequently 6, ovately lanceolate, tapering to a slender point, entire, or frequently producing two or three segments on each side, densely clothed with loose wool on the inside, the outside thickly clothed with purple glands, seated on short pedicles. Petals numerous, the outer ones broadest, hollow, or cupped inwards, the points at length reflexed, of a bright rosy lilac: inner ones much smaller, of a rich dark red. Stamens mostly imperfect; the filaments short, and taking on more or less the appearance of petals. Styles several, apparently perfect. Our drawing of this superb Rose, was taken from a plant at the Nursery of Messrs. Whitley, Brames, and Mime, at Fulham, where we observed several large bushes of it in fine bloom; it may be considered one of the most desirable Roses that can be cultivated, as it is such an abundant flowerer, and its flowers are produced at various seasons of the year. It is a hybrid production, first raised from the seed of R. indica, at the Nursery of Mr. Brown, at Slough; the plant was fertilized with the pollen of R. centifolia, by Mr. Hill, who was at that time there for improvement, as we have been informed by himself; it is as near as possible intermediate between the two parents, the flower, in form and size, partaking chiefly of the latter parent; the leaves are intermediate, partaking of the glossy surface of the former parent, and the rugosity of the latter; the panicle is very large, and nearly the same, as in the female parent, though the flowers themselves are very much more like the male. It maybe increased by cuttings, planted under a hand-glass, or by layers, or if wanted to become a strong plant in a short time, it may be budded on a strong stock of R. tomentosa, or R. canina, a plan very much in fashion at present, and a very desirable one for increasing any rare variety with rapidity, or for strengthening any weak growing Rosa Browniana
Uploaded 7 MAY 21
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