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'Dorothy Drowne' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 111.  
Browne, Dorothy (hybrid wichurana) Brownell 1924; Sodenia X ? ; varies: white to pink, center pink to crimson and scarlet, medium size, very double, open, lasting, cluster-flowered, floriferous, growth 8/10, upright, 3 m. = Dorothy Drowne?
Article (misc)  (1929)  Page(s) 218.  
Dorothy Drowne Climbing Hybrid Wichuraiana (Josephine and Walter D. Brownell, Providence, R.I.) Seedling from 'Sodenia' which came up in March 1924. Type, like parent and 'Excelsa' except as to color... white to pink, with pink to crimson and scarlet centers of varying intensity and sizes... abundant bloomer (6,ooo+ blooms in July which last three weeks). Hardy.
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