'Dona Sol' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 41. Dona Sol Gallica. Vibert, 1842. The author cites information from different sources... Currant red, touched white... purple red spotted purple... Centifolia form; color, bright grenadine, touched with white... very liable to run into one colour in rich heavy soils...
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 211. Doña Sol Vibert, 1842. Habit: uptight shrub, prickles and bristles. Foliage: medium green, abundant; large elliptical leaflets. Bloom: floriferous; in clusters of 3 to 4; small, double, cupped; central eye often quite large; rosette in the heart. Colour: tinted pink-red; the base of the petals lighter. Fragrance: Weak. ...[Following a first Doña Sol in 1830] Vibert retook this name, as was his bad habit, for a gallica bred in 1842. ...Vibert described this second 'Doña Sol' thus: "medium, full, purple-red, spotted, in rosette". It is quite evident that it is the latter which we cultivate today under the name 'Doña Sol'.
Book (1936) Page(s) 671. Sol, Dona (Provins) Vibert 1842, vivid garnet-purple, white flecks, medium size, double, centifolia-form.
Magazine (Jun 1934) Page(s) 73. Le Jardin Botanique du Parc de la Tête d'Or possède, en outre des collections botaniques et médicinales d'environ 6.000 plantes.... Parmi les roses PROVINS (environ 150 variétés), on peut citer les plus anciennes ; Adèle Courtoise 1816, Baronne de Stahel 1820, Duc de Bordeaux 1820, Fatine 1820, Assemblage de Beauté 1823, Phoebus 1837, Dona Sol 1842, Turenne 1842, Tricolore de Flandre 1846, Georges Vibert 1853, Alcine 1861, Belle des Jardins 1872, etc.
Website/Catalog (1880) Page(s) 259. Rosiers Provins Panachées (non remontants) 1238 Dona Sol.- Moyenne, pleine, rose glacé ponctué de blanc.
Website/Catalog (1861) Page(s) 7. Donna Sol F[rench], brilliant red, mottled with pink.
Book (1858) Page(s) 207. Rosa gallica. Donna Sol, Blumen mittelgroß, sehr gefüllt, purpurrosefarben, mit weißen Flecken; Form kompakt; Habitus hangend, Wuchs stark; eingeführt 1842.
Translation: Rosa gallica. Donna Sol, the medium-sized, compact bloom is very double, purplish-pink with white flecks; the plant is robust with a pendulous habit; introduced in 1842.
Book (1848) Page(s) 50. The French Rose. Rosa gallica. 167. Donna Sol; flowers purplish rose, spotted with white, of medium size, very double; form, compact. Habit, pendulous, growth; robust; partakes slightly of the Provence. Introduced in 1842.
Website/Catalog (1846) Page(s) 36. French Roses. Rosa Gallica. Flowers striped, variegated, mottled, or marbled. The flowers are all of cupped form unless otherwise denoted. 1296. Donna Sol...Purplish red, spotted, rosette centre, compact...$1 25
Magazine (1844) Page(s) 62. ROSES ET PLANTES DIVERSES NOUVELLES. Dona Sol (Provins), fleur moyenne, rouge pourpre, ponctuée de pourpre plus foncé, à rosette centrale ; forme parfaite ; rameaux plus allongés que dans le type, presque inermes. Ces Roses, choix épuré d'un grand nombre d'autres , sont dues aux cultures de M. VIBERT, le célèbre rosiste, dont le monde horticole parisien regrette l'émigration à Angers.