'Pink Marina Kordana ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
26 FEB 07 by
Unregistered Guest
I have a pink marina kordana that I have planted outside. I was pruning and noticed little green bugs on the stem and some of the leaves have black spots on them. What can I do to remedy this?
Initial post
1 MAY 06 by
how often do i water my roses and when can i repot it
#1 of 1 posted
5 MAY 06 by
First of all where do you live (a zip code would be helpful also)? Where is it planted in regards to you home (ie. north, south, east, west side, in an open area 'FULL SUN' or shaded)? In regards to re-potting, usually you would want to re-pot in spring.
Initial post
1 MAY 06 by
how often do i water my mini roses and when can i repot it into another indoor pot?
Initial post
7 SEP 04 by
Unregistered Guest
I have a beautiful pink marina kordana I am growing in a pot and want to know if I should plant it or if I can bring it in and keep it blooming. I live in zone 5.
#1 of 1 posted
11 MAY 05 by
Unregistered Guest
Hello, I was wondering if you had luck with your Pink Marina Kordana rose from Walmart. I see that your posting to this site is quite old and I hope you see this. I just purchased one but I see that it is not hardy for zone 5. I think I might return it. Are you in zone 5? Cathyann