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This rose won Best in Show at ARS Gulf District Rose Show April 2024 even though it was placed in Floribunda class instead of Climber.
Uploaded 9 OCT |
June 02, 2014. Amelia, VA
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 2 JUN 14 |
The Friends of Vintage Roses, Sebastopol, CA
Uploaded 22 MAR |
3 favorite votes.
Uploaded 21 MAR 12 |
May 30, 2015
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 30 MAY 15 |
In my garden, 2011 July, Netherlands
Uploaded 26 JUL 11 |
May 30, 2015
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 30 MAY 15 |
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 19 JUL 09 |