'Hadley elatior' rose References
Book (2006) Page(s) 235. Hadley, Climbing HT Cl. Good, reliable rebloom. Best fragrance. Long canes. [Provenance:] (Heritage Rose Gardens). A rose admired by several generations of rose growers; still worthy for its big rose-crimson flowers imbued with an intense red-rose fragrance. This climbing form of Hadley is magical, the dark red flowers drooping down at the beholder.
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 46. Hadley, Cl. Not rated
Book (2001) Page(s) 48. Hadley, Cl. Climbing Hybrid Tea, medium red, 1927. Not rated.
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 207. 'Hadley, Climbing'. Cl HT, mr, 1927, Teschendorff
Book (1999) Page(s) 42. Climbing Hadley, Teschendorff, Germany, 1927. Climber, Red. (Available from) Golden Vale, Hedgerow, Thomas.
Book (1994) Page(s) 49. Maureen Ross. The 20th Century Rose Garden. In 1891, Peter Waite, a wealthy and innovative pastoralist, built the magnificent ‘Urrbrae House’ and gardens in the foothills, south east of Adelaide. ….In 1989, as the Centenary of ‘Urrbrae House’ approached, Deane initiated an idea for a new historic rose collection to suitably mark the occasion. This garden was to be developed close to the original one planted by Peter Waite….A listing of the original roses grown by Peter Waite was a most valuable guide but time had eliminated many roses, now lost forever. ‘Comtesse Vandal’ (HT. 1932), ‘Crimson Glory’ (HT 1935); ‘Climbing Hadley (HT 1914) are still with us….
Page 49. Photo. Caption: ‘Clg Etoile de Hollande’ Refer article page 48. Photo Ross Roses.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 230. Hadley, Climbing Climbing Hybrid Tea, medium red, 1927, Teschendorff.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 214. Hadley, Cl. Heizmann, 1927. Hybrid Tea. Sport of 'Hadley'. [Author cites information from several sources.]
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 27. CLIMBING HADLEY (V. Teschendorff 1928). Rouge foncé brillant, forme parfaite. O[dorante]. RT [Rosiers Grimpants susceptibles de remonter]. + [conseillées pour fleurs coupées de plein air].
Book (1958) Page(s) 148. Hadley, Cl. Cl.HT. (Teschendorff, '27.) Hadley Elatior. HT. (Teschendorff, '27.) Hadley sport, with more vigor.