'Viscount Southwood' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 628. Viscount Southwood Hybrid Tea, china-pink shaded creamy peach to copper, 1949, 'Walter Bentley' x 'Aribau'; Cobley; Harkness...
Book (1958) Page(s) 419. Viscount Southwood. HT. (Cobley; int. Harkness, '49.) Walter Bentley X Aribau. Large (4-5 in.), dbl. (35-40 petals), high centered, slightly fragrant, china-pink shaded creamy peach to copper. Vig.
Book (1953) Page(s) 136. Mr. Jim Bennett. N. Z. Rose Forum. Viscount Southwood If it would make more growth, it would be a champion.
Book (1951) Page(s) 137. Dr. A. S. Thomas. An Outstanding Year for Novelties Viscount Southwood: One of my two plants has grown well; the other has been poor and suggests a tendency to constitutional die-back. The petals are thin in texture but make up a well-formed bloom of a pleasing soft pink shaded with yellow and copper. Thin petaled roses are apt to ball in Melbourne but, so far, Viscount Southwood has opened well.
Book (1950) Page(s) 14. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1950. Viscount Southwood HT. (Cobley, 1949). A large, full bloom with the high centre of the exhibition type and colours varying from copper to pink. So far the growth is not tall but it is free flowering. Named in honour of the late chief of the London Daily Herald.
Website/Catalog (1950) Page(s) 7. Novelty Roses 1950. Viscount Southwood (HT.) (Cobley, 1949) Rich copper shaded and veined pink. The Rowers are large with full, high centre and well up to exhibition standard. Rather low growth, free blooming named after the late Chief of the London Daily Herald. 10/6 each.
Magazine (Mar 1949) Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 15. Vous trouverez, ci-après, une première liste de noms pour lesquels nous avons donné accord à la N.R.S. ... No Reg.: 14, Name: Visc. Southwood, Raised By: R. Harkness & Co., Registered By: A. Cobley, Date: 17.6.48
Translation: You will find below a first list of names for which we have agreed with the National Rose Society....