'Hogg's Yellow' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Murphy's Rose
HMF Ratings:
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Hybrid Foetida/Lutea, Hybrid Spinosissima, Shrub.
Golden-yellow. Mild fragrance. up to 25 petals. Average diameter 2". Medium, semi-double to double, borne mostly solitary, cupped, globular bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer.
Bushy, climbing, suckers on its own roots, well-branched. Small foliage. 7 to 9 leaflets.
Height: 3' to 8' (90 to 245cm).
USDA zone 3b through 9b. Very hardy. very vigorous. drought resistant. shade tolerant. Needs little care; relatively disease-free and quite hardy. Prune dead wood.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Parentage uncertain...References describing Persian Yellow as a parent ignore the fact that Persian Yellow (introduced only in 1838) was not in commerce at the time that Harisonii was introduced in the 1820's. Writers contemporary to Harison referred to one of the parents as the yellow briar, which is not the same as Persian Yellow.
The Swedish Rose Society recommends Harisonii for northern Sweden.
Although Harison's Yellow has been considered tetraploid for many years, most or all plants labeled as Harison's Yellow are triploid. At least 2 genotypes are in commerce as Harison's Yellow, but both of them are triploid..