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'Heat Wave' rose References
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 298.  Includes photo(s).
Heat Wave ... a dazzling brilliant orange-red...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 212.  Includes photo(s).
Heat Wave ('Madame Paula Guisez') Cluster-flowered. Parentage: Unnamed seedling x 'Roundelay'. Herbert Swim 1958. Description... one of the earliest of the hot-colored Cluster-flowered Roses...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 238.  
Heat Wave Floribunda, orange-scarlet, 1958, ('Mme. Paula Guisez'); Seedling x 'Roundelay'; Swim. Description.
Book  (1962)  Page(s) 21.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas.   New Roses in Victoria. 
Heat Wave, Florib. (Swim, 1958) The orange-scarlet to flame colouring makes this rose almost the Floribunda counterpart of 'Aztec'. Very tall growing. The florets are of spiral formation and they last well, but there are never enough of them in a head. In fact, they come singly far too often.
Website/Catalog  (1961)  Page(s) 5.  
Novelty Roses 1960. Heat Wave. (Hyb. Poly. H. C. Swim Int. Armstrong Nurseries 1958) Brilliant orange red flowers borne in clusters. Individual flowers are 3" across, quite double, opening to an attractive pointed centre. Strong sturdy grower of medium height with stiff upright stem and good foliage. 8/6 each.
Magazine  (Nov 1960)  Page(s) 4. trimester, p. 14.  
Le Concours International de Roses d'Orléans (12 Septembre 1960) ...ROSIERS A FLORAISON EN BOUQUETS. ...Variétés citées dans l'ordre du classement. —
8. HEAT WAWE. Obtenteur : SWIM (U. S. A.) ; Présentateur : M. ARMSTRONG (U. S. A).
Book  (1960)  
p14.  Frank W. Pulsford, Epping, NSW.  New Roses for 1960. 
Heat Wave (H. C. Swim, 1958): Brilliant orange-red flowers borne in clusters. Individual flowers are three inches across, quite double, opening to an attractive pointed centre. Strong sturdy growers of medium height, with stiff upright stems and good foliage. 

p18.  Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Varieties in Victoria.
Heat Wave Florib. (Swim 1958) The name is spelt in two words by the raiser. It is a delightful new scarlet variety with conventionally spiral florets that have universal appeal. The growth is excellent. This could become the most popular red Floribunda.

p67.   Lester E. Satterlee.  Rose Growing in Kansas City.
Heat Wave (Swim): Here is a really worthwhile Floribunda. A nice big bush with lots of bloom. The buds are perfect and open to very attractive flowers. The colour is really eye-catching orange-red, but not harsh. (Bea's favourite).

p101.  Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. Some Novelty Roses. 
Heat Wave Floribunda. (Swim, 1958) Described as a gay Chinese red, and certainly a very attractive colour. The blooms are fairly large, with plenty of petals, and a good shape. Classified by the originator as a Floribunda of the "Grandiflora" type, it has many solitary flowers as well as large trusses. A most outstanding variety and one which is bringing a very narrow gap between the H.T.'s and Floribundas. It could be planted with either. This variety and 'Aztec', by the same hybridiser, are very similar in colouring.
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 152.  
Heat Wave. F. (Swim; int. Armstrong Nurs., '58.) Unnamed seedling X Roundelay. Bud urn shaped; fl. large (3½-4½ in.), dbl. (26-30 petals), cupped to open, slightly fragrant, orange-scarlet; cluster. Fol. dark, semi-glossy, rounded. Vig., upright, bushy; abundant bloom. Pl. Pat. App. for.
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