'BOEdol' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
30 MAR 14 by
Just struck me that this one is GREAT, nothing like it..............yet at 45 has not produced any notable offspring.SURELY it was tried----and yes it HAS offspring----but nothing even CLOSE.................so interesting how the "gene pool" gets road blocked??? Or how much less "unique" much less "ahead of time" varieties end up being much better parents in the big picture..................
I was surprised they didn't breed it into hybrid teas. It ticks all the boxes, except for plant architecture. A little bigger blooms, a bit more behaved plant, and a little stronger color... voila.
But, nah. Never happened lol. At least that we know of.
Was introduced in the UK by Alex Dickson and Sons.
NRS Annual 1965 p208
One of the great floribundas of all-time. A lusty grower and disease free, it provides ample amounts of light to medium apricot blooms kissed with just a bit of yellow at the heart. Smells quite good, and holds up in 100 degree temps as well.
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
This is a very good rose - bloomed in the winter time in Houston area, the blooms lasted 2 weeks in a vase!!!!! Medium sized blooms in HT form. Very happy I got this rose.
Thank you for the info. of 2 weeks vase life.