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'Peter Mayle ™' rose Gardens
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—  A  —
California, United States C,L,P,V  A Bit of Heaven - Leezen, Palos Verdes, Ca.

Rose (member) Garden.  119 plants listed.  3 photos.  USDA zone 10b.

7 favorite votes.  

United States C,L,P,R,T,V  A Capitol Hill Rose Garden (1915)

Rose (historical reference) Garden.  14 plants listed.  276 photos.  USDA zone 7a.

9 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Illinois, United States C,L,P,V  Alkaline clay StrawChicago zone 5

Rose (member) Garden.  160 plants listed.  54 photos.  USDA zone 5a.

57 favorite votes.  

Milan, Italy C,L,P,R,T,V  Antonio Motta

Rose and peony (member) Garden.  241 plants listed.  460 photos.  USDA zone 8a.

29 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Rose and clematis (public) Garden.  724 plants listed.  13 photos.  USDA zone 7a.

2 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'MEIzincaro'.  

—  B  —
Niederösterreich, Austria C,L,P,R,V  Beatrice Audetat

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  176 plants listed.  629 photos.

14 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Listed as 'Mainauduft'.  

United States L,V  Beth's place of peace

Rose (member) Garden.  119 plants listed.  8 photos.

1 favorite vote.  

Massachusetts, United States C,L,V  Botanic Garden of Smith College

Rose (public) Garden.  98 plants listed.  USDA zone 8b.

5 favorite votes.  

New York, United States L,V  Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Rose and peony (public) Garden.  1411 plants listed.  USDA zone 8b.

16 favorite votes.  

United States L  Brooklyn Rose Preserve

Rose (private) Garden.  116 plants listed.  8 photos.

—  C  —
Iowa, United States C,L,P,V  Central Iowa Rose, Clematis, & Peony Garden

Rose, peony and clematis.  915 plants listed.  7 photos.  USDA zone 5b.

22 favorite votes.  

Costa Rica L  Click here for Garden Name

Rose (member) Garden.  53 plants listed.  2 photos.

Listed as 'Lolita Lempicka'.  

Rose, peony and clematis (limited public access) Garden.  3957 plants listed.  2715 photos.  USDA zone 9b.

52 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

New York, United States C,L,P,R,T,V  Cranford Rose Garden

Rose (public) Garden.  1477 plants listed.  18 photos.  USDA zone 7b.

22 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  

Virginia, United States L,P,T,V  Cyndy's Garden

Rose and clematis (member) Garden.  255 plants listed.  2 photos.  USDA zone 7a.

13 favorite votes.  

—  D  —
California, United States C,L,V  Diana's Skyline Rose Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  1262 plants listed.

8 favorite votes.  

Idaho, United States C,L,P,T,V Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  1399 plants listed.  13 photos.  USDA zone 7a.

31 favorite votes.  

Louisiana, United States L,P,T,V  Dr. Leda Horticulture

Rose (member) Garden.  48 plants listed.  86 photos.

12 favorite votes.  

Michigan, United States C,L,P,V  Duc de Guiche

Rose (member) Garden.  82 plants listed.  28 photos.

20 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Gift of Grace'.  

—  E  —
Connecticut, United States C,L,P,T,V  Elizabeth Park Rose Garden

Rose (public) Garden.  193 plants listed.  5 photos.

9 favorite votes.  

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