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'R. X engelmannii' rose References
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 149.  
location Alpinum, 150/4; R. x engelmannii S. Watson (R. acicularis x R. nutkana) = R. acicularis var. engelmannii (S. Watson) Crép., CINNAMOMEAE, North Ameica, 1891, deep pink, single, fragrant, medium-large, vigorous, upright-arching, 1-2 m, well-branched, many prickles, blue-green medium size matte folaige, 5-7 leaflets, red long-oval fruit
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 272.  
R. x engelmannii S. Wats.
Natural hybrid of R. acicularis with R. nutkana; artificially reproduced by Erlanson. Similar to R. acicularis var. bourgeauiana, but fruits ellipsoid, to 2.5 cm./1 inch long; branches more bristly, leaves bald beneath. 2n=42. BC 3454. (= R. acicularis var. engelmannii (S. Wats.) Crép.) N. America. 1891
Book  (1919)  Page(s) 425.  
(Garden and Forest, 1899, fig. 121.)
A shrub 3 to 4 ft. high, with erect stems sometimes densely covered with straight, slender prickles, sometimes unarmed. Leaves composed of usually five or seven leaflets which are oval or ovate, ¾ to 1¼ ins. long, about half as wide, the coarse teeth gland-tipped and often again toothed ; upper surface smooth, lower one downy, especially on the midrib and veins ; stipules dilated and edged with resinous, glandular teeth. Flowers usually solitary, rarely two or three together, 1½ to 2¼ ins. across, bright rose ; the stalk and calyx-tube smooth. Sepals entire, ¾ to 1 in. long, sometimes dilated at the tip, becoming erect after the petals fall, and persisting on the fruit. Fruit bright red, egg-shaped, up to 1 in. long.
Native of Central and Western N. America ; introduced in 1891. This rose is very nearly allied to R. acicularis, and is now generally regarded as a geographical form of that species, which belongs essentially to the Old World. Engelmann's rose differs from acicularis in the frequent occurrence of a pair of slender spines below the stipules, and in the double, glandular teeth. The fruit also is more tapered at the base and the young shoots less bristly.
Book  (1904)  Page(s) 92.  
Rosa Engelmannii Wats. (acicularis x blanda ?).
Book  (1900)  Page(s) 350.  
Rosa Engelmanni. (Garden and Forest 1889, 376, f. 121.) Hardy. A species with oblong fruit, like that of R. alpina, to which it is nearly allied. Colorado.
Magazine  (1889)  Page(s) 376-377.  Includes photo(s).
New or Little Known Plants. Rosa Engelmanni. Mr. Faxon has here given a very good representation of a Rose that is widely distributed through our western region, but which has not hitherto been recognized as distinct. It has now been in cultivation at the Arnold Arboretum for several years, having been raised from seed collected by Dr. Engelmann near Empire City, Colorado, in 1881. It is the only species in temperate America that is characterized by an oblong fruit, and it is in the respect the representative of the Old World species, R. acicularis and R. alpina, to which it is otherwise also nearly allied. It is, indeed, in part the R. acicularis, var. Bourgeauiana of M. Crepin, the distinguished rhodologist of Brussels. But the only specimen of this species in the Gray Herbarium that was collected by Bourgeau (at "Fort bas Garry" in 1857) is ticketed by M. Crepin as R. blanda, var. setigera, while most of his variety Bourgeauiana (including Bourgeau's own specimen, ticketed "Mt Rocheases à la base, 8 Aout., 1818), belongs to the somewhat similar, but still quite distinct species, R. Sayi. In my revision of our species, published in 1885, the fruiting specimens that I had seen were referred to as belonging to a possible new species of the R. Fendleri group, though most of the flowering specimens were disposed of under R. Sayi. R. Engelmanni is distinguished from R. acicularis most prominently by the frequent occurrence of a pair of slender spines below the stipules, by the resinous puberulence often found upon the leaves, with the accompanying glandular serrulation of the teeth, by the naked peduncles, and in growing a difference in appearance of the foliage and in habit, which it is not easy to describe. The stems in both species are usually covered with slender prickles, and the rather large flowers are almost always solitary. R. acicularis is rather more northern in its range, extending through northern Russia and Siberia to Japan and across Behring Seas into northern Alaska. R. Engelmanni appears to be frequent on the shores of Lake Superior and at some point on Lake Huron, and thence ranges westward by the Lake of the Woods, Pembina, and the upper Missouri to the Rocky Mountains. Here is is found from central Colorado to north of the boundary in British America, and westward to Idaho, and the upper Columbia in Washington Territory, where I collected it in 1880 near Fort Colville. It is a showy species in cultivation, both from its large flowers and its conspicuous bright red fruit. S. W. [Sereno Watson]
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