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'MEIrameca' rose References
Website/Catalog  (27 Dec 2018)  Includes photo(s).
Rosy Meidiland® MEIrameca  Richest pink double blooms repeat quickly on this healthy landscaping rose.  Large clusters festoon the spreading canes....
Article (magazine)  (2010)  Page(s) 1781.  
Carefree MarvelTM (MEIrameca), under consideration for future Earth-Kind rose trials, Shrub, 2003, Alain Meilland, Ploidy 3x ....
Magazine  (Apr 2003)  Page(s) 31.  
'MEIrameca', S, dp, 2000 (Alpha Meidiland) Meilland International, [Pink Flower Carpet X (Magic Meidiland X Grouse)]... description
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