'High Esteem' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
11 FEB 14 by
In the old ARS annual "Proof of Pudding" back from when this one was new, it is mentioned in passing that at release in 1961 or 1962 this one cost $20 or $25, had to be special ordered or something to that effect (that would be like a rose costing close to $200 today!)....the general sentiment was that the variety did not live up to its marketing, was not very special....does anyone out there have any details on this? How did a $20 rose via special order (?) come to be on the market 50 years ago? Seems it was marketed at exhibitors??
Cheek probably. The 1965 references says "Loves mildew, is fragrant and not worth $10.00" And those orange photos from India don't seem very phlox pink to me.
#2 of 6 posted
13 FEB 14 by
Patricia! Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying a lovely summer down under. Here in Ohio, USA we have had one of the meanest, cruelest, hardest winters in decades. Got to -15 with no snow and high winds, etc. This is why mine sleep in the garage and even then the larger ones seemed to freeze solid (which makes me nervous but I know is not usually lethal)......now THAT being said, lol, have you noticed that rather often on here it is the old "Eastern Block" and India that posts these pics that just look really "off?" Probably innocently, too, suspect it may just have to do with easy marketing like our waxed body bag discounts here in the US...???
Chris, I wondered if the color variance in the photos from India were perhaps a camera or lighting error, since even the foliage doesn't look like a natural green. The form of the bloom looks quite similar, don't you think?
My rose was new last year and didn't bloom, but perhaps this spring I'll have an opinion on whether this rose has any qualities making it unique or especially worth growing.
And, what did you decide, if I may ask? I'm especially interested to hear about the fragrance. Thank you
My rose died over a winter, so I can't answer that.
Ah, pity. Thanks for taking the trouble to respond.