'Clémentine Meillandina ®' rose References
Book (2007) Page(s) 29. 'Meifruije' , Min, yb, 1994, (Apricot Sunblaze, [(Mark One × Yellow Meillandina) × Gold Badge], Meilland, Alain A.; flowers yellow edged in bright orange, 1½ in., dbl, high-centered, borne mostly singly, no fragrance; foliage small, dark green, glossy; prickles few; growth medium, bushy growth, compact
Book (2002) Page(s) 22. Rated 7.8
Book (1998) Page(s) 60. MEIfruije Miniature, bi-color orange and yellow, 1994, (Apricot Sunblaze™); ('Mark One' x 'Yellow Meillandina') x 'Gold Badge'; Meilland, Alain. Description.
Website/Catalog (1986) Page(s) 62. Floribundas. Apricot Sunblaze. Masses of small orange-apricot flowers on a short compact plant. Short. Midland 1981.