'Harrison Weir' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 752. Weir, Harrison (HP) Turner 1880; Ch. Lefèbvre X Xaver Olibo; velvety crimson, shaded scarlet, large, double, globular, fine form, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, repeats, autumn-bloomer, growth 6/10.
Magazine (17 Jun 1911) Page(s) 290. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Harrison Weir... Hybrid Perpetual, Turner, 1878, Charles Lefebvre X Xavier Olibo
Book (1910) Page(s) 286. Harrison Weir Hybrid Perpetual; flowers velvety-crimson, enlivened with scarlet; flowers large, full, and very smooth, good.
Book (1906) Page(s) 72. 4.604. Harrison Weir, Hybride Remontant, Turner 1880 cramoisi
Book (1902) Page(s) 132. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe I. — Madame Victor Verdier Ce groupe se rapproche beaucoup de celui des "Charles Lefebvre"; on dit communément des rosiers qui le composent que ce sont des "Général Jacqueminot" à bois lisse: ils sont très florifères, franchement remontants. Rameaux lisses, verts, aiguillons petits et rares; feuillage vert, moyen; fleur en coupe, floraison le plus souvent en corymbe; on y rencontre les coloris les plus variés, du rose au rouge pourpre noirâtre. 4410. Harrison Weir... (Turner 1880)... cramoisi.
Magazine (1902) Page(s) 331. THE ROSE GARDEN. HARRISON WEIR (H.P.) I am always sorry to see Roses of brilliant colour forgotten because they make poor growth as cut-backs. To my mind this is a truly grand Rose in form and colour, and no one would desire to be without it if they saw the magnificent flowers that the Briar cutting will produce in yearling plants. If only to obtain such blooms I would not consider it a trouble to bud a few stocks each year. The colour is scarlet-crimson with velvety shading, which one would expect, seeing that it sprang from Charles Lefebvre. It has also inherited the rich fragrance of this fine Rose, but the form is quite different, being globular with recurved petals.
Booklet (1899) Page(s) 20. Hybrid Perpetuals. Harrison Weir Turner 1879 S. G. Velvety scarlet-crimson, globular, moderate.
Magazine (1889) Page(s) 191. 1876 to 1879 were years of dearth. We have only: 1876, Magna Charta and John Bright; 1877, Emily Laxton, A.K. Williams; 1878, Laxton’s Charles Darwin, Turner’s Harrison Weir; 1879, Postan’s Duchess of Bedford and Countess of Rosebery, and Mitchell’s Wm. Warden ... ...
Magazine (1887) Page(s) 198. The best hybrid perpetual roses raised during the years named – The following, I think will be generally admitted to be the “cream” of the large number sent out during the period referred, vis: 1879 .. Harrison Weir, Raisers’ name Turner.
Website/Catalog (1885) Page(s) 69. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Harrison Weir beautiful, rich velvety crimson, enlivened with scarlet, flowers large, full, very smooth, stout in texture, and exquisitely formed, sweetly scented, and good autumnal bloomer.