'Sixty-five Roses' rose Reviews & Comments
From Website Errors and problems. Comment from Les Krake, April 19, 2011 Dear HelpMeFind, I found an error in the recorded parentage of the variety Rosa hybrida `65 Roses´ which was bred by George Thomson, Willunga, South Australia. The parentage should be: `The Wild One´ x `Mrs Mary Thomson´. This parentage has been confirmed in my telephone conversation with George. [HMF Ed - text altered]". - Les Krake.
Again - thanks Les. George is a forgiving man. Andew's words were "Mrs Mary Thomson X TOMwild ( TOMwild was a seedling from the Austin called wildflower)" It would be truly wonderful if George himself could contribute here, but I suspect rose breeders are too busy breeding roses to dabble with computers.
Details for this rose have been adjusted to reflect personal correspondence to me from Ross Roses of July 8, 2009: 65 Roses was bred around 1980 but we do not have firm figures on this. [Parentage:] Mrs Mary Thomson X TOMwild