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'Sixty-five Roses' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 53-632
most recent 21 APR 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 APR 11 by Patricia Routley
From Website Errors and problems.
Comment from Les Krake, April 19, 2011
Dear HelpMeFind,
I found an error in the recorded parentage of the variety Rosa hybrida `65 Roses´ which was bred by George Thomson, Willunga, South Australia. The parentage should be:
`The Wild One´ x `Mrs Mary Thomson´. This parentage has been confirmed in my telephone conversation with George. [HMF Ed - text altered]". - Les Krake.

Again - thanks Les.
George is a forgiving man. Andew's words were "Mrs Mary Thomson X TOMwild ( TOMwild was a seedling from the Austin called wildflower)" It would be truly wonderful if George himself could contribute here, but I suspect rose breeders are too busy breeding roses to dabble with computers.
Discussion id : 37-835
most recent 9 JUL 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 JUL 09 by Patricia Routley
Details for this rose have been adjusted to reflect personal correspondence to me from Ross Roses of July 8, 2009:
65 Roses was bred around 1980 but we do not have firm figures on this.
[Parentage:] Mrs Mary Thomson X TOMwild
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