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'Phantasy' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 445.  
Phantasy Hybrid Tea, medium light pink, base yellow, 1927, 'Lady Alice Stanley' x 'Royal' (or 'Priscilla'); Dunlop...
Book  (1967)  Page(s) 47.  
Some All-Canadian Roses
by Fred Blakeney, Victoria, B.C.
The John H. Dunlop & Son Nursery of Toronto has originated six Hybrid Tea Roses, and were probably the first nursery to put Canadian-originated roses on the market. At least, they were the first recorded. Their first introduction was a tea rose named "White Bougère" in 1898. Then followed five Hybrid Teas: "Mrs. Henry Winnett" (1917), "Frank Dunlop" (1920), "Canadian Jubilee" (1927), "Phantasy" (1927), "Red Beauty" (1929). Some of these roses may still be around. Mr. Dunlop died in 1930.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 561.  
Phantasy (HT) Dunlop 1927; L. Al. Stanley X Priscilla or Royal Red; light pink, base yellow, large, double, globular, lasting, solitary, fragrance 4/10, floriferous, long stems, growth 7/10.
Article (misc)  (1929)  Page(s) 219.  
Phantasy Hybrid Tea (John Dunlop & Son Ltd., 1927.) 'Lady Alice Stanley' x 'Royal' (or 'Priscilla'). Type, 'Lady Alice Stanley'... medium light pink with yellow base.
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