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'Canyon Cupido' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 720
most recent 20 JAN 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
My wife purchased this potted miniature rose from a local general merchandiser. We live in North Western Ohio and I wonder whether this rose can be planted in a partially shaded area and left through the winter. Also, are there any special instructions on its care with regard to soil type and water. The tag that accompanied the rose bush stated "Indirect light. Moderately moist soil." This will be my third attempt at keeping a miniature rose alive and I don't want to lose another one.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
Indirect light isn't correct for miniature roses, and I have no idea why it's always on those pot tags that come with them. Some minis, like some full-sized roses, can tolerate partial shade; but most of them need plenty of sun. So you might want to consider a different planting spot. However, it should winter fine outside - mine do in Maine.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 17 JAN 06 by rgyure
The canyon cupido rose looks so delicate. You say I can plant it outside and it will come back each year. Should I put mulch over it in the winter to keep it warm. Right now I have it in a pot inside my house.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 18 JAN 06 by Wendy C
If you still have it in the house, keep it in the house until Spring. Putting any growing rose through that kind of a temp swing would kill it or at least put it into a signifgant shock.

All roses need up to six hours of full sunlight. I don't know why the directions say indirect light. In my opinion most people have trouble with potted roses because they over water them. You want the rose to be evenly moist, never soggy. This causes root rot. Smell the soil, if it's foul replace it. Water the rose from the bottom every week or when you notice it's dry. Set it in the sink or in a bowl. The rose would appreciate a humidifier.

Spider mites are a problem in the winter for indoor roses. Even greenhouses fight with them. When you water the rose, flick the lower leaves over a white piece of paper. If dark specs probably have Spider mites. Tip the rose over the sink and spray the underside of the foliage every day until they are gone. Spider Mites will defoliate a rose in a short time. You can also dip the foliage in a mild soap solution to get rid of them. Spider mites hate water, so the regular spraying is as good as anything.

Check to see what hardiness zone you live in. Canyon Cupido is listed hardy to zone 6. Most minis are much more hardy than they are given credit for. Planted out of the wind and with winter mounding it would probably do fine. Don't wait until Fall to plant though..plant in the Spring and let the plant adjust to being outside.

Good luck
Reply #4 of 4 posted 20 JAN 06 by Unregistered Guest
Thanks so much Wendy C...your comments were very helpful.
Discussion id : 1-792
most recent 9 APR 04 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
I bought mine and repotted with it sitting on my East window and it's growing at an astounding rate. I want to plant outside, but want to know if I can keep it on the East side and how large will it grow so I know how much room to give it.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 APR 04 by anonymous-22372
They can grow anywhere from 2 to 4 feet.According to some of the research I have done
Discussion id : 348
most recent 25 FEB 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Anonymous-797
I placed a Canyon Cupido in a three inch pot on my desk which sits in front of a wide north facing window. I came back after the weekend and found all the blooms and busd were dead but the leaves were green albeit a bit dull. I removed the dead parts but it has continued to deteriorate. Now the leaves have started drying. Is there a remedy?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
A north facing window isn't a good place for a rose. South is best, west second best. They need direct sunlight for several hours each day.
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