'Joan Alder' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 273. Joan Alder Hybrid Tea, flowers salmon-pink tinted mauve [pb], 1950, Moss.
Book (1979) Page(s) 38. The New Zealand Rose Breeders Association. Interest in the breeding of roses in New Zealand stems back many years; through many decades there have been enthusiasts following this pursuit, some with more than a modicum of success as in.... and L. Moss 'John Alder'
Book (1958) Page(s) 174. 'Joan Alder' HT. (Moss, '50). Bud long; fl. salmon-pink tinted mauve. Fol. dark. Very vig. (28)
Book (1953) Page(s) 132. Frank Mason, Feilding N.Z. Some Newer Roses. Joan Alder is another one should not miss. After the blooms open they have a tinge of mauve on the outer petals. It is a vigorous grower. It is often up to exhibition standard.
Book (1953) Page(s) 89. J. Powell. Rose Shows in New Zealand. Palmerston North was loyal to two New Zealand hybridisers. Included in the 12 were ....and 'Joan Alder', a deep pink blend raised by L. J. Moss.
Book (1952) Page(s) 98. New Zealand Rose Convention. A visit to Mr. L. G. Moss' garden, Greatford, was of special interest from the fact that Mr. Moss has produced a considerable number of roses which are becoming popular. Among them we noticed: Joan Alder and others... Mr. Moss has an artistic rose garden well worthy of inspection