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'Isobel' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 89-824
most recent 18 DEC 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 DEC 15 by Patricia Routley
Yesterday I came across a very possible ‘Isobel’ from an old property. There were no blooms but the plant has an excellent provenance. Once growing on the property in the 1990’s, my cuttings failed to strike, but a relative’s did. The plant has now been returned to the old property and only recently replanted. The foliage has substantial weevil damage so I am not really sure what the leaves are like. But I did get the impression that the foliage certainly was “different”. The pollen parent of ‘Isobel’ was R. hiberica, - about which I know nothing, except for the HelpMeFind parentage of Rosa canina L. × Rosa spinosissima L. But that parentage tells me that ‘Isobel’s’ foliage might certainly be different from the normal ‘Irish Elegance / Fireflame /Dainty Bess mob. Does anybody have a photo of ‘Isobel’s foliage please? Perhaps an average leaf on a hand would do just fine.
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