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'Evelyn' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 400.  
Evelyn Hybrid Tea, A.N. Pierson/W. Paul 1918. Sport of 'Ophelia'. The author cites information from different sources... salmon-white, shaded and edged with rose, yellow at base...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 167.  
Evelyn Hybrid Tea. W. Paul 1918. Flowers salmon, shaded and edged rose, base yellow. RULED EXTINCT.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 167.  
Evelyn Hybrid Tea. A.N. Pierson 1918. 'Ophelia' sport... Flowers soft pink, base yellow... RULED EXTINCT.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 247.  
Evelyn (HT) W. Paul 1918 [Pierson]; sport of Ophelia; deep flesh-coloured to salmon-white, edged and shaded white, base yellow, large, very double, globular, lasting, floriferous, habit like Ophelia.
Website/Catalog  (1928)  Page(s) 10.  
Hybrid Teas, Teas  and Pernetiana.
Evelyn. Hybrid Tea. (A. N. Pierson, 1918.) Sport of Ophelia. Large, fragrant flowers, salmon-white shaded and bordered rose.
Magazine  (Mar 1922)  Page(s) 18, 20.  
"New Roses for the Garden" by Charles E. F. Gersdorff
Deeper pinks, ranging from salmon to deep rose, are well represented. [...] Ophelia has given many fine sports, of which another good one is Evelyn (A. N. Pierson Inc., 1918), more double than the parent, and in color more pink, a deep salmon pink shade.
Magazine  (22 Dec 1917)  Page(s) 1309.  Includes photo(s).
 A. N. Pierson's (Inc.) new Rose Evelyn   This new Rose is a sport of Ophelia, and similar to that variety in every characteristic, which means that it is an excellent grower and a wonderful producer. The flower, as shown by the photograph, is much more double. It is a darker pink than Ophelia and is very distinct from any other sport of Ophelia we know.
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