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'J. Otto Thilow' rose References
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 203.  
J. Otto Thilow, HT, Good, reliable rebloom. Good fragrance. Stout, smooth canes. Verschuren, 1927 ([Provenance:] Heritage Rose Gardens). Out of a famous parent rose, Hadley, this is one of the most beautifully formed Hybrid Teas you can grow; rich rose-pink, moderately large and very free-flowering.
Book  (Aug 2002)  Page(s) 50.  
J. Otto Thilow
Not rated
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 277.  
Hybrid Tea, medium pink, 1927, 'Hadley' x 'Souv. de H.A. Verschuren'; Verschuren. Description.
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 177.  
J. Otto Thilow. HT. (Verschuren, int. H&S and Dreer, '27.) Hadley X Souv. de H. A. Verschuren. Bud pointed, well shaped; fl. large, dbl., high centered, rich glowing rose-pink. Very vig.
Website/Catalog  (1950)  Page(s) 4.  
Bush Roses
J. Otto Thilow. Soft rose-pink buds open to large-petalled, light pink blooms, long the most popular of all pink roses...$1.00
Website/Catalog  (1950)  Page(s) 13.  
Bush Roses
The following list of non-patented Bush Roses includes the best of the old favarites. We can highly recommend them.
J. Otto Thilow
A truly pink rose, with no other shading. It really has everything. Long slim buds, unfading open bloom. Vigorous. Disease resistant.
Website/Catalog  (1947)  Page(s) 6.  
Hybrid Teas, the Everblooming Bush Roses
J. Otto Thilow—Perfect shaped buds and flowers of rich rose pink. Good strong upright bush and a free bloomer. Excellent pink rose.
Website/Catalog  (1940)  Page(s) 8.  
Choice Varieties
J. Otto Thilow
A rich glowing rose-pink of exceptional merit with long pointed buds. The petals reflex forming a beautiful large, double, high-centered flower. 50¢ each.
Book  (1939)  Page(s) 121.  
Mr. W. Summers, Blackwood, SA.
J. Otto Thilow.- One of the older varieties which deserves to be better known. Vigorous, free blooming, with long-pointed, pink flowers.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 11.  
J. Otto Thilow. Perfectly formed buds and flowers of rich rose-pink. Unusually good for cutting. No Rose we know of has better form than this one.
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