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'Noisette Desprez' rose References
Article (website)  (1982)  Page(s) 14.  
Desprez à Fleur Jaune (Noisette Climber) A beautiful quartered, double rose with the style of Gloire de Dijon.  Yellow shaded orange with buff tints.  Scented. 1830. (R) 20 x 20’. 
Booklet  (1977)  Page(s) 25-26.  Includes photo(s).
1830 Desprez à Fleurs Jaunes Noisette
'Phoebus, what a name! Little thought poor Monsieur Desprez when he sent out his seedlings in the pride of his heart that it would associate his name throughout the rose-loving world with jaundice and bilious fever. Yellow Desprez, moreover, is not yellow, but buff or fawn colour, deliciously fragrant of beautiful foliage, blooms freely in autumn, and makes, with careful culture, a pretty pillar rose.' Such is the way Dean Hole described this rose in his famous A Book about Roses in 1869.
The Noisettes were a fairly new race of roses in the early part of the nineteenth century, but no yellow varieties were available until about 1830, when 'Jaune Desprez' appeared in France. Thus it was bound to become well known very quickly, because, as today, nurserymen were not backward in promoting their novelties.
'Jaune Desprez', therefore, would have enjoyed quite rightly a reign of popularity for a few years, until superseded by its close relatives, the Teas. Like the Teas, the Noisettes were not all completely hardy, and many fell by the wayside quite quickly. The climbing forms tended to survive longer, presumably because they were planted in the more homogenous positions of south wall and conservatories. Undoubtedly a beautiful rose, 'Jaune Desprez' displays many characteristics that will appeal to those who like old-fashioned things. A rather tubby yet pointed bud unfolds to an incurving quartered bloom of fine texture. The colour is similar to 'Gloire de Dijon', but with rather more yellow than Dean Hole is prepared to concede in his description. It is a vigorous climber with a good scent, but more a collector's rose than one for the modern garden.
Article (misc)  (1954)  Page(s) 37.  
Desprez à Fleur Jaune 14 chromosomes.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 135.  
Jaune Desprez Loose semi-double flowers of coppery red and yellow, rather after the style of Fortune's Yellow. Makes a vigorous bush or climber. This is so highly spoken of by Prince in his Manual, where he says 'so powerfully fragrant that one plant will perfume a large garden in the cool weather of Autumn'. Introduced by Desprez, 1838.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 205.  
Desprez (noisette) Desprez 1838; dawn-flesh-coloured to pink with coppery yellow, reverse paler, 6-7 cm., double, flat cup form, cluster-flowered, fragrance 6/10 (pineapple), few red prickles, growth 8/10, climbing.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 205.  
Desprez, Jean (noisette) Noisette ca. 1820; crimson-pink, shaded copper, yellowish garnet washing, medium size, double, fine form, fragrance 8/10, growth 9/10, climbing, 5-8 m. = Noisette jaune
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 205.  
Desprez à fleurs jaunes (noisette) Desprez 1835; reddish tan-yellow, mixed with sulphur yellow, large, double, cup form, fine form, fragrance 7/10, beautiful foliage, growth 7/10, climbing.
Magazine  (Feb 1925)  Page(s) 159-160.  
C'est à Yèbles, vers 1820, que M. Desprez vint s'établir pour cultiver la rose et chercher la rose bleue. II ne trouva pas celle-ci, mais en revanche, il récolta la « mille écus », qui fut vendue 3.000 francs à M. Sisley Vandal. Cette rose est restée dans le commerce sous le nom de Noiselte-Desprez.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 78.  
4.995. Jean Desprez, Noisette, Noisette cramoisi
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 46.  
3.015. Desprez, Noisette, Desprez 1838 rose aurore
3.016. Desprez à fleurs jaunes, Noisette, Desprez 1835 jaune
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