'Comte d'Eu' rose Reviews & Comments
The Florist, 1: 37 (1848) Mr. Rivers At present I know of only one other variety equal to the above as a Christmas Rose, the Hybrid Perpetual, Comte d'Eu: this as a border Rose is superior to Gloire de Rosamène, its flowers are more double, of a finer shape, and nearly as brilliant in colour; it forms a dwarf bush, and may have the same treatment as the above; it will not, however, give so abundant a crop of winter flowers. In fact, at present I know of no Rose equal to Gloire de Rosamène for blooming in winter. In addition to this valuable quality, I had almost forgotten to add that its flowers, although almost odourless under the bright sun of June, in winter exhale a delicate and agreeable perfume. Nurseries, Sawbridgeworth, Herts.
The Book of the Garden, vol. 2 (1855) p. 771 Charles McIntosh 1. Winter roses, flowering from November to December under glass.—Comte d’Eu, Gloire de Rosamène, sect. Hybrid Perpetual;
Manual or Roses, p. 119 (1846) William Prince Among the new varieties one of the most beautiful is Comte d'Eu; it is, strictly speaking, a double dwarf Gloire de Rosamène, from which it was raised, and is a brilliant-colored and fine variety.