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'White Pet, Cl.' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 111-838
most recent 30 JUN 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JUN 18 by Margaret Furness
That's intriguing: a rambler (Felicite-Perpetue) sports to a repeat-flowering dwarf, which then sports to a repeat-flowering climber.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 29 JUN 18 by Patricia Routley
Very intriquing. But just for fun, I've added 'White Rambler' to the possibilities for "Lewes Kell ROR"
Reply #2 of 5 posted 30 JUN 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Why 'Little White Pet Cl.' a polyantha but 'Félicité et Perpétue' is a sempervirens hybrid?
Reply #3 of 5 posted 30 JUN 18 by Margaret Furness
I think Little White Pet was called a polyantha because people didn't know what else to call it.
Re "Lewes Kell": I haven't seen it repeat. Pat says it's more vicious than F-P (and I agree with that, having taken cuttings of both recently).
Reply #4 of 5 posted 30 JUN 18 by Patricia Routley
I have seen "Lewes Kell" repeat a bit. Photos in that file. Agree, it is very prickly.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 30 JUN 18 by Andrew from Dolton
'Félicité et Perpétue' will have the occasional flowers in September especially if it is pruned back a little after flowering, which it will need as it has a very irritating habit of hanging on to its dead flower heads. 'Little White Pet' does the same. In Sussex I grew two 'Félicité et Perpétue' on chalky well drained soil on both the east and west side of a wall. In Devon 'Little White Pet' grows very happily in my acidic loam, there is almost never a time when it is not in flower from mid-June to October. Both roses were very healthy.

The leaves of 'Félicité et Perpétue' and 'Little White Pet' are noticeable because of their dark green colour, 'Lewes Kell' looks a little bit paler. And the stipules on 'Lewes Kell' are smooth whilst on 'Little White Pet', at least, they are slightly cilate.
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