'May Queen' rose Reviews & Comments
The rose previously sold in New Zealand as May Queen has been identified as Edmond Proust. It may be that the rose sold in New Zealand as "Old Danish" is the true May Queen (or at least, what is grown in Australia under that name: there appear to be several different roses in the hmf photos).Thanks to Barbara for sending me photos, and to Pat and Patricia for suggesting the ID. Would someone in the US, May Queen's homeland, please post detailed photos?
#1 of 5 posted
16 JUL 18 by
margaret thought there was a May Queen in Elizabeth park in Hartford, Ct but i was approached by a friend in the Ct Rose Society and asked if i wanted to choose a rambler from a list made available, i believe Steve Scaniello,,,,my first and lucky choice was May Queen I believe years ago Dan russo showed it to me in the garden at EP and told me that there were 2 May Queens! oh boy! but i now have one and whe it blooms next year, remind me and i will get my son to send you photos blessings!
I posted two photos of the 'May Queen' I received from Vintage Gardens in 2003. They claimed it was the Van Fleet version that they acquired from Schultheis. Manda also released into commerce a 'May Queen' the same year contributing to some confusion. Unfortunately, 'May Queen' has finished blooming now for the season.
Thank you. I'm tempted to think it the best of the ramblers! But there are so many other lovely ones. A Heritage Roses member plants Manchurian pears to grow them up, which keeps them off the ground, but could be expensive if you have many.
In my garden 'May Queen' is not much of a rambler; it is actually very procumbent. It only grows less than a meter high and then starts growing outward another meter and rooting whenever it touches the ground. I could probably dig up half a dozen and have distributed it around my property where I want to cover a bank.
My first plant went up and along a fence. My second (from the same source, ie dug up from beside a park where it was being mowed) wants to be procumbent, like yours. A visitor suggested putting an old tyre around it, to stop it spreading by rooting down.
Interesting that Helen Van Pelt Wilson (1955 reference) says 'May Queen'...."tends to bloom all season".