'Iceberg' rose Reviews & Comments
Honestly crap naming by Kordes. How can a new rosarian, or even established rosarians, relate the iconic Iceberg, one of the best selling roses ever, to a florist rose? How is that New Iceberg? That's definitely new, but not "Iceberg".
Irresponsible imo.
None of the photos shown here are the HT 'New Iceberg'. They are all the floribunda/HM of the same name. I have the HT version and if I can save from a steady decline (it's a teriible rose here) I might be able to post a photo of it though it has not flowered for my once in three years. This was a very poor marketting move to name this rose, that struggles to live (must have the four copies of the 'I hate life gene'), 'Iceberg'. Apparently people can't tell the difference between the HT and the floribunda and so I can imagine at least some of the ratings that appear here might also be 'confused' and... if you throw enough mud, sooner or later some of it will start to stick.
The photo posted by asakombu looks to be a florist rose. That one is possibly New Iceberg. As I have never seen it, I cannot verify.
Pollen parent: 'Korsulas'
Ref: http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/pbr_db/docs/2002307.doc
Thank you.
Smiles, Lyn
Being sold by Treloars (http://www.treloarroses.com.au/products/product.asp?pID=2281&cID=5) as 'New Iceberg'.
I've added a reference that in Australia at least, this 2002 HT, is being sold as 'New Iceberg'. Modern Roses 12 list the registered name as ‘Iceberg’, with synonyms of 'Ice Queen', 'Korturek', and 'New Iceberg'.
When the consumer wants to purchase that beautiful floribunda (hybrid musk?) of 1958, he just may end up with the HT.
'Iceberg' (1958) is tremendously popular. In Australia, at least, I suspect more of this variety are sold each year than any other shrub rose. It defies reason and invites unnecessary confusion to release another rose under the same name.
Photos in the 'Iceberg' (2002) entry appear to be 'Iceberg' (1958).