'Feuerzauber' rose References
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 467. Feuerzauber Hybrid Perpetual J.C. Schmidt 1913
Book (1936) Page(s) 257. Feuerzauber (Hybrid China) J.C. Schmidt 1913; Pr. C. de Rohan X Ch. Klemm; velvety red, bright reflexes, tips of petal edges with black velvet stains, medium-size, well double, cup-form, fragrance 8/10, very floriferous, continuous bloom, many small thorns, growth 6/10, upright, 40cm., dense, hardy. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1934) Page(s) 94. Monthly Roses...Feuerzauber. Hybrid China. An excellent group rose. The habit is vigorous and upright, the foliage dark green. The buds are long, the blooms cupped. Dark bright amaranth (9 rc/tc), of wonderful effect. Very fragrant. Extremely floriferous and not very susceptible to frost . ...Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] -.70 10 pieces RM 6.50
Website/Catalog (1933) Page(s) 94. Monthly Roses...Feuerzauber (J. C. Schmidt). Hybrid China. An excellent group rose. The habit is vigorous and upright, the foliage dark green. The buds are long, the blooms cupped. The colour is cherry-red, a little lilac, and of wonderful effect. Very fragrant. Extremely floriferous and not very susceptible to frost . ...Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] -.70 10 pieces RM 6.50 , semi-standards 1 piece RM 1.50
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 106. Feuerzauber (J. C. Schmidt). Bengalhybride. Eine vorzügliche Gruppenrose, die sich schnell überall einbürgern wird. Wuchs ist kräftig und aufrecht, das Laub dunkelgrün. Die Knospen lang, die Blumen schalenförmig. Die Farbe samtigleuchtendrot von wunderbarer Wirkung. Sehr wohlriechend. Äußerst reichblühend, wenig empfindlich gegen Frost.
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 85. Feuerzauber (1913), velvety bright red, long bud, cupped bloom, fragrant, good group rose (China). 1 piece M -.80, 10 pieces M 7.-, 100 pieces M 65.-
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 63. Bengal. Feuerzauber (J. C. Schmidt 1914). Flat cup form, double, lasting, expands willingly, still very beautiful when fully open, burning fiery blood red.
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 84. Monthly Roses...Feuerzauber (J. C. Schmidt). Hybrid China. A very excellent group rose, which will become naturalized quickly everywhere. The habit is vigorous and upright, the foliage dark green. The buds are long, the blooms cupped. The colour is velvety bright red and of wonderful effect. Very fragrant. Extremely floriferous and not very susceptible to frost . ...Low-grafted garden plants 1 piece G.-M. [Gold-Mark] 1.- standards, semi-standards
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 7. New Roses of other Raisers, 1914. The descriptions are those of the Raisers. China Roses. Feuerzauber (J.C. Schmidt). -- Bright, velvety red, with velvety black splashes at the edges of the petals; of cup[ped] form, sweetly scented. Growth vigorous, upright, very free flowering. 3/6 each.
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 42. Feuerzauber (Hybrid China). The colour of the cupped and very fragrant bloomsis velvety bright red, at the tips of the petals a black velvet spot. Vigorous, the branches are strobgly armed. 1 piece M 1.75, 10 pieces M 16.-