'ARDorisha' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - Rogue Valley Roses https://www.roguevalleyroses.com/rose/oshun%E2%84%A2
Initial post
23 APR 08 by
Unregistered Guest
I was delighted to plant a band-sized Oshun last fall. It even had a blossom on it, and smelled lovely. It was doing very well, then we had a late spring cold snap (28 degrees) and my poor little Oshun is toast. Maybe that area of the yard just got particularly cold--I also had a Great Maiden's Blush band in the same area succumb. Maybe if they had been a bit more mature, the cold wouldn't have hit so hard. But none of the other bands planted at the same time died (even some noisettes and other cold sensitives), so Oshun is temporarily off my list of "must have" roses. I may try it again, but there are so many others to check out first....
'Oshun' won a blue ribbon for fragrance at a southern California rose show in Spring 2006.