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"Rowley Street, Bridgetown Pink" rose Photos
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Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Kew Cemetery Pink" picked after days of temperatures over 40C. It is such a tough and generous rose in our conditions. January (Summer) 2025, Perth, Western Australia.
Uploaded 31 JAN
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Kew Cemetery Pink", spring 2016. Perth Western Australia.
Uploaded 31 JAN
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Kew Cemetery Pink" picked after days of temperatures over 40C. It is such a tough and generous rose in our conditions. January (Summer) 2025, Perth, Western Australia.
Uploaded 31 JAN
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Kew Cemetery Pink" This is a rose that is almost always in bloom but the bloom colour and form varies with temperature. The blooms of winter, spring and early summer tend to be fuller and more opulent, and there is less pink washed over the underlying flesh colour. Early summer 2018, Perth Western Australia.
Uploaded 31 JAN
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Kew Cemetery Pink" Spring 2016, Perth, Western Australia.
Uploaded 31 JAN
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Kew Cemetery Pink" This is a rose that is almost always in bloom. It blooms through the heat of our punishing summers and through the coldest months and demands very little. The hot weather blooms have fewer petals. The deeper colour is often concentrated in the veins of the centre of the petals. Summer 2018, Perth Western Australia.
Uploaded 31 JAN
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Kew Cemetery Pink" Spring 2016, Perth, Western Australia.
Uploaded 31 JAN
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Kew Cemetery Pink" The petal count and bloom form of this rose various with the seasons. Hot weather blooms tend to have less petals and the pink shading and veining is more pronounced, while the petals edges are paler. There is a hollow ball of concave petals in the centre of the bloom that opens to reveal yellow stamens. Late summer/ early autumn 2018, Perth Western Australia.
Uploaded 31 JAN
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