'Marie Claire, Cl.' rose References
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 276. Includes photo(s). The bush version of 'Marie-Claire', a Meilland introduction of 1944 … [is not seen much] these days … you are unlikely to see the rose, however, except in France, where "Marie-Claire" is a popular women's magazine. Description. Sport from 'Marie-Claire', repeats, fragrant.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 358. Climbing Hybrid Tea, orange red, 1944, ('Grimpant Marie-Claire'); Meilland, F.
Website/Catalog (1977) Page(s) 23. Grimp. MARIE CLAIRE - végétation normale - Grosses fleurs doubles corail doré. Très vigoureux à beau feuillage.
[no longer listed in 1980]
Website/Catalog (1962) Includes photo(s). Grimpant Marie-Claire
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 27. Includes photo(s). CLIMBING MARIE-CLAIRE (Meilland 1944). Cuivre corail doré passant au jaune orangé vif. FL [feuillage luisant]. LO [légèrement odorantes].
photo: Grimpant MARIE-CLAIRE Sujet Fort la pièce 3.60 - les dix 32
Book (1958) Page(s) 221. Marie-Claire, Cl. Cl. HT. (F. Meilland, '44.) (28)
Magazine (1953) Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 10. Includes photo(s). Pylône de Climbing Marie-Claire à Bagatelle
Website/Catalog (1953) Page(s) front cover. Includes photo(s). Climbing Marie-Claire
Magazine (Dec 1951) Page(s) 4. trimester, p. 105. Clg Marie-Claire, cuivre corail passant au jaune corail
Website/Catalog (1949) Page(s) 30. Includes photo(s). CLIMBING MARIE CLAIRE (Meilland 1944). Fleur cuivre corail duré passant au jaune orange vif. Variété vigoureuse au beau feuillage vernissé.
[same photo published 1949 for 'Marie Claire']