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'BOCrogosnif' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 170-787
most recent yesterday HIDE POSTS
Initial post yesterday
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Discussion id : 135-120
most recent 15 NOV 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 NOV 22 by Sallyknight
Available from - Sooner Plant Farm's-love
Discussion id : 128-182
most recent 20 SEP 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 18 JUN 21 by Joseph Baiocchi
I bought this in my continuing attempt to find rugosas that will do acceptably well in my area of Texas. I am removing this rose after 2 years as it is obvious that, like most rugosas I've tested so far, this rose does not appreciate heat. Foliage and flowers are typical of rugosas. Flowers have eye-catching color but do not last long. Mid-green foliage is generally clean. For me it did not get tall - just kind of low and spreading. I think this would be a fine landscape plant in a cooler climate.

Anne Endt is the only rugosa-type I've ever grown successfully here. Unfortunately I lost mine in severe drought about 10 years ago and have not been able to replace it. So... I occasionally try other options.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 18 JUN 21 by Nastarana
Have you tried any of Ralph Moore's three rugosa introductions. I think there were three, 'Topaz Jewel', 'Moore's Striped Rugosa' and 'Linda Campbell'. Moore worked in Visalia, CA, a place where the climate is similar to that found in most of Texas. LC is a very nice almost everblooming red which compares well with most red floribundas. TJ is, for me, one of the most beautiful yellow roses I have ever grown. The soft yellow color, the clean foliage, the spreading but restrained growth habit; I liked everything about TJ. I have not grown the striped rugosa.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 18 JUN 21 by Joseph Baiocchi
I grew Moore's Striped Rugosa years ago. For me it was a tall lax plant that quickly outgrew the space provided. As I recall it was fairly vigorous and a bit on the wild side. Might be worth trying again if I can find a roomier spot. As a breeder, I've looked at TJ, but as a diploid that does not set hips I am a bit reluctant to give it space. The pollen has obviously been used with some limited success - so maybe better to move that direction rather than MSR. I've not heard of the third one so I'll look into it.

Thanks so much for the suggestions.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 20 SEP 22 by CCCaf
Delete not working so replacing my old text.
Discussion id : 121-124
most recent 26 APR 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 APR 20 by Rose_Insanity
Also available from Jung Seeds, the parent company of Edmund's Roses.
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