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'Madame E. Souffrain' rose Photos
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Madame E. Souffrain rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of ThomasR
Occitanie, France, own-roots. It is taking some time to establish on a Northwest facing wall. The broken corolla seems to be a very recurrent feature of this rose, with or without splitting of the receptacle.
Uploaded 30 MAY 23
Madame Emilie Souffrain rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Becky Hook
2 favorite votes.  
Uploaded 7 DEC 10
Madame E. Souffrain rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of ThomasR
Occitanie, France, own-roots. It is taking some time to establish on a Northwest facing wall. The broken corolla seems to be a very recurrent feature of this rose, with or without splitting of the receptacle.
Uploaded 30 MAY 23
Madame E. Souffrain rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Nova Liz
3 favorite votes.  
Uploaded 4 DEC 09
Madame E. Souffrain rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of zazarose
10/1/2018. Madame E. Souffrain. Spencer, West Virginia. Growing zone- 6 a -. The photo of this lovely rose is off a plant that has been planted in the ground for 4 months. The colors are indeed lovely and it smells wonderful. I expect it to take on more petal characteristics of the Madame E. Souffrain as the plant ages, the slightly curled irregular petals which gives it its uniqueness... The blossoms from this plant have increased in size as it grew larger. It seems to be a bit slow growing although this could be attributed to soil which has a high clay content. I plan to add some composed soil from horses and vegetable plants around it, and mixed in to the soil to boost its growth. As well as some bone meal for the blossoms. It will be a lovely rose plant which will grow to heights of 12 feet up my deck. No thorns.
Uploaded 1 OCT 18
Madame E. Souffrain rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of AmiRoses
Madame E. Souffrain rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of zazarose
10/1/2018. Madame E. Souffrain. Spencer, West Virginia. This rose plant has been planted in the ground for 4 months prior to this photo. It has produced approximately 12 blossoms during this four month period. The blossoms increased in size as it grew. No thorns at all. The cuttings from this plant have done very well. Better then many cuttings of others I have tried to root. I believe it will do very well in this- 6 a -climate which does have cold snowy winters. Purchased form Rose Petal Nursery. A rare rose business nursery listed on this site. Please see the photo I planted of the lovely little blossom. Gorgeous color, nice smell.
1 favorite vote.  
Uploaded 1 OCT 18
Madame E. Souffrain rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of AmiRoses
2 favorite votes.  
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