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'Rosa coruscans Waitz.' rose References
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 68.  
x coruscans Waitz. (carolina x rugosa) [ploidy] 14
Book  (1932)  
...CC septet species R. coruscans Waitz. with 7 bivalents in pollen mother cell....
Magazine  (1928)  
Zeitschrift fur induktive Abstammungs und Vererbungslehre; Supplement 2, 1928
Differential Polyploidy in the Genus Rosa L. 
C. C. Hurst
R. coruscans Waitz (1822): Japan to Sakhalin.
Magazine  (1902)  Page(s) vol 27 page 482-492.  
Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 27: 482-492 (1902/3)
Maurice L. de Vilmorin, F.R.H.S.
We must now join the larger battalion of the corps of the Asiatic Roses, the Cinnamomeae, and it is not possible to pass further without saluting that grand Rose, the Rugosa, one of the finest, if not the finest, of all the Wild Roses. It is second to none of the hardy Roses for the size of its flowers, and the richness and the design of its foliage; and if it is beautiful when the summer brings back the time of its long blossoming season, it is equally worth admiration when autumn colours the large fruits with scarlet and the foliage with gold-and-fire touches.

A closely allied species, but much smaller, *Rosa coruscans* (Link), is well worth cultivation. The foliage is very abundant, and its form is still more elegant; the pink flowers are comparatively very large and the fruits very fine. I should suggest to cut back its branches halfway, and the oldest ones even shorter, to procure their renewal; but I think Rugosa will be finer without any, or with a very discreet, pruning.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 45.  
Roseraie de l'Hay (Seine): Catalogue, p. 45. 1902
747, Rosa coruscans, Link - Chine, Japon. Allard, Angers
Magazine  (1895)  Page(s) vol 16 page 198.  
Gardening Illustrated - Volume 16 - Page 198 - 1895 
Rosa coruscans appears to be but a variety of the Japanese Rose, being similar in wood and leaves, but with flowers of a pretty pink shade. It is in every way desirable to associate with the type.
Book  (1823)  Page(s) vol 2 page 178.  
Rosacearum monographia, Volume 2 page 178 (1823)
By Leopold Trattinnick
ROSA coruscans. Waitz.
R. tubo calycis (urceolo) globoso, pedunculoque glabriusculü, segmentis subappendiculatis, petiolis pubescentibus, foliolis ellipticis, glabris, grosse serratis, lucidis; ramulis aculeatissimis; caule ramisque setigeris; armis ¡naequalibus, rectis, confertissimis; fructu pyriformi calyce coronato. Waitz.

Rosa coruscans. Waitz in litt. et Link Enum. hort. berol. ed. 2. II. 57

Frutex 3-4 pedalis, surculis rectis, validis. Aculei inaequales, recti, confertissimi, rufescentes. Stipulae latae, grosse serratae. Petioli villosi, ramulorum florentium inermes, surculorum aculeati. Folia inodora 4-juga, foliolis ellipticis, simpliciter serratis, nitidis, glabris, nervo intermedio subtus pubescente. Pedunculi glabriusculi, vel vispidi, demum apice incrassati, coccinci. Urceolus globosus, glaber vel hispidus, segmentis calycinis subappendiculatis, dorso setosis. Flores magui, saturate rosei. Fructus magnus, pyriformis, coccineus, calyce coronatus. Waitz.

Patria ignota, Waitz putat Caucasiam. Affinis 15. Redouteae, nitidae et sim.
Book  (1822)  Page(s) vol 2 page 57.  
Enumeratio plantarum Horti regii botanici berolinensis altera. vol. 2, page 57 (1822)
Dr. H. F. Link
553. R. CORUSCANS. Waitz. Caule setoso-spinosissimo, petiolis pubescentibus foliis oblongo lanceolatis acuminatis serratis glabris, ped. nudis, calicis tubo globoso nudo, laciniis margine tomentosis. Habitat ...
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