'AUSpishus' rose References
Website/Catalog (2018) Includes photo(s). (Auspishus) Janet A rose of rather different character to other English Roses. The flowers, when they are in their early stages, are in the form of long, elegant buds, like the classic Hybrid Tea roses. However, unlike Hybrid Teas, over time they gradually open to reveal shapely, many petalled rosettes. The colour in the bud is a delightful mixture of pale and deep pinks flushed with copper; the underside of the petals being soft yellow. As they open they become a deep glowing pink, paling a little towards the outside of the petals. There is a lovely strong, pure tea rose fragrance. [...] Named in memory of Janet, who had a life-long love of roses.
Book (2008) Page(s) 20. Janet ....
Magazine (Feb 2005) Page(s) 38. Registration 'Auspishus', S, pb, 2005, (Janet) ... description