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'Henri Dunant' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 87-942
most recent 6 OCT 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 19 SEP 15 by Michael Garhart
Mei Fanny (MEIAFONE)
species or genus belongs: Rosa (Rosa)
foster person: Alan • Antoine • Mei Lan (Alain, Antoine MEILLAND)
Applicant: Mei Lan International, Inc. (Meilland International SA)
Application No: 20060018
Application Date: March 16, 2006
Description: Rose Fanny female as "MEITULANDI" and "GISSELFELD" hybrid seedlings, male as "KORZAUN". Mei Fanny leaves large, dark leaves; flowers large, up to 92 to 109 petal flowers with a strong fragrance; pot-shaped fruit; late flowering.

-Chinese Patent
Reply #1 of 4 posted 21 SEP 15 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Michael. Synonym and parentage added.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 5 OCT 22 by Alain Meilland
Hi Patricia,

MEI FANNY is not a Synonym ... It is the translation in Latin characters of the Chinese characters translation of MEIAFONE. The only varietal name worldwide is MEIAFONE.

Matthias ;)
Reply #3 of 4 posted 5 OCT 22 by jedmar
LOL! We will remove this "synonym".
Reply #4 of 4 posted 6 OCT 22 by Alain Meilland
Thanks Jedmar ;)
Discussion id : 66-104
most recent 28 JUL 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 JUL 12 by Judith C.
Height according to Meilland: 1m/1.20m. In my garden can grow to 1.80m ...
Reply #1 of 1 posted 28 JUL 12 by RoseBlush
Thank you, Judith. I've made the correction.

Discussion id : 62-879
most recent 20 MAR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 MAR 12 by anonymous-862143
Here are details to the Parentage of Rose "MEIafone" from PR China Patent-Office.
Translations (from chinese to german & english) with Google-Translator only

培育人:阿兰• 安托万• 玫兰(Alain,Antoine MEILLAND)
申请人:玫兰国际公司(Meilland International S.A.)
说 明:玫芬妮的母本为“MEITULANDI”和“GISSELFELD”的杂交实生苗,父本为“KORZAUN”。玫芬妮叶片大,叶色深;花大,花瓣多达 92~109片,花朵具有强烈的香气;果实罐形;花期很晚。与近似品种“MEISOYRIS”相比,玫芬妮花瓣内外侧基部均无斑 点,“MEISOYRIS”有斑点;玫芬妮香气浓郁,“MEISOYRIS”香气中等;玫芬妮外部雄蕊花丝黄色,并着紫红色,“MEISOYRIS” 外部雄蕊花丝为红色;玫芬妮果实的纵切面形状为罐形,“MEISOYRIS”为漏斗形。玫芬妮喜温湿、光照、肥沃的微酸性土壤。不耐遮荫、瘠薄、干旱和水 涝,生长适温为15~25℃。适合栽培于各种类型的土地,在夏季温度不超过35℃,冬季不低于-25℃的气候带,玫芬妮无需保护,可在室外栽植。

Mei Fanny (MEIAFONE,)
Gehört zu Gattungen und Arten: Rosa (Rosa)
Pflegende Personen: Alain Antoine Mei Lan (Alain, Antoine Meilland)
Kläger: Mei Lan (Meilland, International SA)
Anmeldung Nr.: 20060018
Datum der Anwendung: 16. März 2006
Beschreibung: die Mei Fanny weiblichen Elternteil für die "MEITULANDI Gisselfeld" hybriden Sämlinge väterlichen "KORZAUN". Fanny Rose Blätter, Blatt Farbe und Tiefe; Blütenblätter so viele wie 92 bis 109 Blüten mit einem starken Aroma, Frucht Topf; Blüte relativ spät. Verglichen mit den ungefähren Sorten "MEISOYRIS," Fanny Rose Blütenblätter innerhalb und außerhalb der Basis hatte keine Flecken, die "MEISOYRIS" Flecken; der Duft von Rose Stephanie, die "MEISOYRIS Aroma Medium; Fanny Rose externen Staubblatt Filamente gelb, und Lila, die "externen MEISOYRIS Staubblatt Filamente in rot, die Mei Fanny Frucht der Längsschnitt der Form des Topfes", MEISOYRIS Trichter. Hallo Fanny Rose Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit, Licht, fruchtbaren, leicht sauren Boden. Schattenunverträglich, unfruchtbar, Trockenheit und Staunässe, die optimale Wachstumstemperatur für 15 ~ 25 ℃. Geeignet für den Anbau in allen Arten von Land, mehr als 35 ° C im Sommer Temperaturen, Winter Klimazonen von nicht weniger als -25 ° C, Fanny Rose ohne Schutz im Freien ausgepflanzt werden.

Mei Fanny (MEIAFONE,)
Belongs to genera or species: Rosa (Rosa)
Nurturing people: Alain Antoine Mei Lan (Alain, Antoine MEILLAND)
Applicant: Mei Lan (Meilland, International SA)
Application No.: 20060018
Application Date: March 16, 2006
Description: the Mei Fanny female parent for the "MEITULANDI GISSELFELD" hybrid seedlings paternal "KORZAUN". Rose Fanny leaves, leaf color and depth; flower petals as many as 92 to 109 flowers with a strong aroma; fruit pot; flowering late. Compared with approximate Varieties "MEISOYRIS," Rose Fanny petals inside and outside the base had no spots, the "MEISOYRIS" spots; the aroma of Rose Stephanie, the "MEISOYRIS aroma medium; Rose Fanny external stamen filaments yellow, and purple, the "MEISOYRIS external stamen filaments in red; the Mei Fanny fruit of the longitudinal section of the shape of the pot," MEISOYRIS funnel. Rose Fanny hi temperature and humidity, light, fertile, slightly acidic soil. Intolerant of shade, barren, drought and waterlogging, the optimum growth temperature for 15 ~ 25 ℃. Suitable for cultivation in all types of land, more than 35 ° C in summer temperatures, winter climatic zones of not less than -25 ° C, Rose Fanny without protection, can be planted outdoors.
kind regards
Harald Naussed
Discussion id : 51-840
most recent 24 JAN 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 JAN 11 by Patricia Routley
I believe 'Sir Donald Bradman' needs to be merged with Botero. The Australian reference for 'Sir Donald Bradman' carries the same code name as Botero.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 JAN 11 by jedmar
Yes, thank you!
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